Directions & safety measures
Directions & safety measures
Address: Indringingsweg 2, 1800 Vilvoorde
take exit 6 "Koningslo - Vilvoorde", turn left at traffic lights, take right at 2nd street (Bruynstraat) until the roundabout, at traffic lights turn left, the Hub entrance is on the right side.
take exit 6 "Koningslo - Vilvoorde", turn left at traffic lights, drive +- 750m till the roundabout, make 180° turn and drive back for 750m, the HUB is on your right side
Bus stop 'Hoogveld' in front of the building or 'Military hospital' a bit further away
Take exit 6 "Koningslo - Vilvoorde", turn right at traffic lights, take right at 2nd street (Bruynstraat) until the roundabout, at traffic lights turn left, the Hub entrance is on the right side.
take exit 6 "Koningslo - Vilvoorde", turn right at traffic lights, drive +- 750m till the roundabout, make 180° turn and drive back for 750m, the HUB is on your right side
Bus stop 'Hoogveld' in front of the building or 'Military hospital' a bit further away
On entering the site, turn right and follow the sign on the totems towards the gate house. Park your car next to the gate house. Register your arrival and receive your visitors badge with our security personnel in the gate house. Identification is required to receive a badge.
Scan the badge at the barrier and access will be granted to the parking lot (on level –1). Park your car on the assigned parking space.
Enter the building via the HQ and visitors entrance on level –1. Scan your badge to open the door and enter the waiting area. Register yourself upon entering the waiting area and await the arrival of your host.
The site is located within the Brussels LEZ (low emission zone). If you come by car, please keep this in mind to avoid fines!
If you visit our hub or depot, please know that the correct safety gear will be required (safety shoes, safety vest). If you are not in the possession of the correct safety gear you are required to notify your host.
Speed Limit is set to 10 km/u within the entire site
Identification at the gatehouse is mandatory to receive a visitors badge
Back packs are not allowed within HUB & Depot
When arriving on foot or by bicycle, the sidewalk must be used
DPD is not responsible for loss or theft of any personal belongings
DPD Security Agents or DPD Security team members can always perform security spot checks on the content of bags and/or backpacks, car trunks,
Using alcohol and drugs are prohibited at the DPD premises
Smoking is only allowed on the foreseen locations
Cell phones are not allowed on the HUB-work floor (except dedicated/authorised staff)
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