Pickup station - A place where parcel waits for you 24/7

pickup station pickup station

Pickup station - A place where parcel waits for you 24/7

Need to pick up a parcel from your favorite online e-shop? Would you like flexibility in delivery?

DPD launches a pilot project for delivery to parcel Locker. From February ´22, your shipment can be delivered to a self-service parcel Locker of one of the DPD partners. The Lockers are located in busy places or at shopping centers and allow for quick and flexible pick up of parcel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Collecting the parcels from the parcel Locker takes place on the basis of entering the PIN code, which the consignee receives in the notification.


Advantages of delivering parcel to the parcel Locker:



Open 24/7

You can collect your parcel 24 hrs 7 days a week.


Ecological delivery

Delivery to the Locker means less stops for the driver and therefore less emissions produced.


3 calendar day

You can collect your parcel for 3 calendar days after the notification has been sent. Also during bank holidays.  Opening hours of the shops are non of your concerne anymore.


Online payment in advance

You can collect your parcel paid in advanced. There are no COD parcels allowed in the Lockers.



You can choose your favorite or the nearest parcel Locker on the web shop page.


For contracted customers

Sending parcels to the parcel Lockers is allowed only for contracted customers of DPD creating orders in DPD Shipper. 

How does collection from the parcel Locker work?

  1. You choose delivery to the selected parcel Locker in the e-shop

  2. You will for an e-mail or SMS notification about dropping off  the shipment in the parcel Locker containing a PIN code for pick up the shipment

  3. You will arrive at your chosen place of the parcel Locker and enter the PIN code from the notification according to the instructions on the Locker.

How does collection from the parcel Locker work?

Pickup station Pickup station
  1. You choose delivery to the selected parcel Locker in the e-shop

  2. You will for an e-mail or SMS notification about dropping off  the shipment in the parcel Locker containing a PIN code for pick up the shipment

  3. You will arrive at your chosen place of the parcel Locker and enter the PIN code from the notification according to the instructions on the Locker.