In the flood of mass production and globalization, we often witness the loss of what makes us special – authenticity. But here is the good news! The new digital platform Singular, supported by DPD Slovenia, will connect small and medium-sized Slovenian companies with those who value uniqueness and local quality.
What is Singular and why is it special?
Singular is not just another online store, but a platform that puts local products, companies and their stories at the center. It is intended for Slovenian entrepreneurs with their own brand who create authentic products – from fashion products, handmade products and cosmetics to food and drinks.
When we first visited the platform, we were pleasantly surprised by its intuitiveness and design. We like the fact that it is not just a sales platform, but also a place where customers can explore and discover new brands that they would not otherwise find anywhere else. This allows for a unique shopping experience that inspires the stories of creators and gives them a voice.
DPD also emphasizes: “Singular is not a marketplace, but a discovery platform where users can browse various products and brands, and the actual purchase is completed on the seller's website, where they are automatically redirected when they click the "buy now" button."
Opportunity for entrepreneurs without additional costs
Another special feature of Singular is that it does not charge entrepreneurs a commission. With this initiative, DPD Slovenia wants to support the Slovenian economy and give a voice to those who maintain authenticity and quality. In addition, it provides a unique opportunity for companies that otherwise cannot afford large advertising campaigns to present their brand to the wider public.
For lovers of unique products and support for local companies
Customers who value unique products and want to support local creators will find everything in one place on Singular. The platform allows them to explore new and inspiring products and discover local brands that they would not otherwise find in larger stores online. Singular thus offers more than just shopping - it is an experience that encourages creativity and offers insight into the rich offer of Slovenian creators.
Join Singular!
DPD Slovenia is calling on all small and medium-sized Slovenian entrepreneurs to join the platform and present their products to the wider public. You can fill out the contact form on the website. Their team will then assess whether your products meet the criteria for Singular and contact you.
Singular is more than just a platform – it is a movement that encourages local creativity, opens doors to Slovenian entrepreneurs and offers customers a unique experience. The platform is officially launched today, March 25th and is sure to delight fans of authentic and unique products.
Singular can be found at HERE.
DPD v Sloveniji
DPD Slovenija je del Geoposta, največje mreže za dostavo paketov v Evropi. Z 55.000 zaposlenimi v več kot 50 državah in na 5 kontinentih in Pickup omrežjem z več kot 128.000 lokacijami za prevzem paketov Geopost dnevno dostavi 8 milijonov paketov – 2,1 milijarde paketov na leto – prek blagovnih znamk DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT in Jadlog. DPD je v Sloveniji začel delovati leta 2004. V 21 letih je postal eden ključnih akterjev, ki zagotavlja zelo kakovostno storitev dostave paketov. DPD vsakodnevno deluje v imenu tisočih zadovoljnih strank, združuje inovativno tehnologijo in lokalno znanje za zagotovitev prilagodljive in do uporabnika prijazne storitve tako za pošiljatelje kot za stranke. DPD s svojo vodilno storitvijo Predict, aplikacijo myDPD, Pickup lokacijami in paketiniki postavlja nov standard povezanosti strank z dostavo njihovih paketov.