Ljubljana, June 2023 | Since 2014, Geopost has been evaluated annually by EcoVadis, an independent rating agency for sustainability. Since 2017, EcoVadis has consistently rated Geopost's sustainability performance with a gold rating.
During our evaluation in 2023, Geopost first lost eight points and EcoVadis therefore awarded us a silver medal. This result was unexpected mainly due to the progress the group has made over the past year by continuously improving our sustainability practices.
We kindly asked EcoVadis to review our assessment. The review process allowed us to clarify some elements of our questionnaire responses. The result of the review was an improved score, and we achieved a total score of 72/100, which is an even better score than last year, which is why EcoVadis awarded Geopost the sixth gold medal.
The result places us in the top 4 % of companies evaluated by EcoVadis in our industry.
EcoVadis divides the assessment into four pillars: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.
The points we got for the mentioned 4 categories are:
90/100 for the environment - which places us in the best 2 %,
70/100 for labor and human rights – which places us in the top 10 %,
60/100 for ethics - which places us in the top 26 %,
50/100 for sustainability – which places us in the top 26 %.
Geopost strives to become an international reference in the field of sustainable delivery, so we are committed to further improving our sustainability performance and disclosure in achieving our goals.
DPD v Sloveniji
DPD Slovenija je del Geoposta, največje mreže za dostavo paketov v Evropi. S 122.000 strokovnjaki za dostavo in Pickup omrežjem z več kot 83.000 lokacijami za prevzem paketov Geopost dnevno dostavi 8,3 milijona paketov – 2,1 milijarde paketov na leto – prek blagovnih znamk DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT in Jadlog. DPD je v Sloveniji začel delovati leta 2004. V 19 letih je postal eden ključnih akterjev, ki zagotavlja zelo kakovostno storitev dostave paketov. DPD vsakodnevno deluje v imenu tisočih zadovoljnih strank, združuje inovativno tehnologijo in lokalno znanje za zagotovitev prilagodljive in do uporabnika prijazne storitve tako za pošiljatelje kot za stranke. DPD s svojo vodilno storitvijo Predict, aplikacijo myDPD, Pickup lokacijami in paketiniki postavlja nov standard povezanosti strank z dostavo njihovih paketov.