Committed to supporting communities around the world

At DPD, we constantly strive to help bring about positive change in our community. We try to help wherever possible, because we are all connected. From support for young people and children from socially disadvantaged families to support from various societies and organizations.

In addition to our ambition to become an employer of choice and partners of choice, we also strive to be good members of the community. We try to work both locally and globally.


Enhancing life for the vulnerable


Supporting employees in charity initiatives


Forging alliances to support great causes

Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia x Lidl Slovenia

Help with food delivery

Help with food delivery

In March 2023, we helped the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia by transporting food, which was generously donated by Lidl Slovenia.

We are happy to be a part of such projects and to come to the rescue with our services and thereby also be charitable.

December donation

December donation to associations

At DPD, we try to be charitable every year, all year round. But December is a special month, so we pay even more attention to charity.

Since deciding who to help in these times is really not easy, we turned to our followers on social networks for help. The response was incredible, so during the campaign we decided to double the donation and divide it between two societies.

With the help of our followers, we therefore chose the Viljem Julijan association and the Heroes of the 3rd floor association and gave each of them €1,000 in donations.

We are happy that we were able to brighten up the holidays for at least someone and we hope that we will be able to repeat a similar campaign in the coming year and dedicate the donation to one of the listed societies and organizations!

December donation to associations

Donacija_IG Donacija_IG

At DPD, we try to be charitable every year, all year round. But December is a special month, so we pay even more attention to charity.

Since deciding who to help in these times is really not easy, we turned to our followers on social networks for help. The response was incredible, so during the campaign we decided to double the donation and divide it between two societies.

With the help of our followers, we therefore chose the Viljem Julijan association and the Heroes of the 3rd floor association and gave each of them €1,000 in donations.

We are happy that we were able to brighten up the holidays for at least someone and we hope that we will be able to repeat a similar campaign in the coming year and dedicate the donation to one of the listed societies and organizations!

Cooperation with the association Europa Donna Slovenia

Pink october

At DPD Slovenia, we celebrated Pink October in October 2022 and, as part of the month of the fight against breast cancer, we cooperated with the Europa Donna association, to which we also donated a purchase of pink bows for all employees.

We always encourage our employees to lead a healthy lifestyle. Many studies show a strong connection between a healthy lifestyle and a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, which affects up to 1,400 women and around 10 to 15 men in Slovenia annually.

Europa Donna Slovenia thank you for everything you do and for all the reminders of how important self-examination is. Pink October may have really come to an end, but we would still like to emphasize that we need to take care of our health throughout the year and every month.

Pink october

Pink oktober_FB Pink oktober_FB

At DPD Slovenia, we celebrated Pink October in October 2022 and, as part of the month of the fight against breast cancer, we cooperated with the Europa Donna association, to which we also donated a purchase of pink bows for all employees.

We always encourage our employees to lead a healthy lifestyle. Many studies show a strong connection between a healthy lifestyle and a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, which affects up to 1,400 women and around 10 to 15 men in Slovenia annually.

Europa Donna Slovenia thank you for everything you do and for all the reminders of how important self-examination is. Pink October may have really come to an end, but we would still like to emphasize that we need to take care of our health throughout the year and every month.

Sodelovanje z Zvezo prijateljev mladine Slovenije

Polna šolska torba


Polna šolska torba

V DPD Slovenija smo se leta 2022 med drugim povezali z Zvezo prijateljev mladine Slovenije ter se dogovorili za sodelovanje pri njihovem projektu »Polna šolska torba«. Gre za projekt, v katerem s pomočjo finančnih in materialnih donacij čez poletje zbirajo šolske potrebščine za učence iz socialno ogroženih družin.

K projektu smo pozvali tudi vse zaposlene v DPD Slovenija, saj smo prepričani, da skupaj zmoremo največ! Zbrali že ogromno potrebščin, s katerimi upamo, da smo uspeli napolniti čim več šolskih torb ter tako narisali nasmehe na obraz tako šolarčkom, kot tudi njihovim staršem.

Veseli smo, da smo lahko del super projekta!

Še enkrat smo dokazali, da skupaj zmoremo največ! Komaj čakamo na naslednje skupne projekte!

DPDgroup in support of the people of Ukraine

Support for Ukraine

Exactly one month has passed since the invasion of Ukraine, and for a whole month now, the whole of Europe has been witnessing a great tragedy.

The situation in Ukraine has aroused strong emotions in all of us. The people of Ukraine need help, so many DPDgroup employees have already created individual and joint initiatives that would make people's lives at least a little easier.

Together with them, DPDgroup is showing its support to the people of Ukraine, with a donation of € 1 million to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement through the French Red Cross and a donation of € 200,000 to the European Federation of Food Banks (FEBA). In addition, each donated € 1 will be matched, euro for euro, up to two hundred thousand additional euros.

With FEBA, we have created a website where everyone who wants to can donate to Ukraine. Click on the following link for support: DPD Grants Page - You can also constantly monitor how much money we have raised so far on the website.

Donations will not only help in the collection and distribution of food, but also in the financing of charitable organizations that bring aid to the people of Ukraine.

# AllTogether4Ukraine

Support for Ukraine

ukraine ukraine

Exactly one month has passed since the invasion of Ukraine, and for a whole month now, the whole of Europe has been witnessing a great tragedy.

The situation in Ukraine has aroused strong emotions in all of us. The people of Ukraine need help, so many DPDgroup employees have already created individual and joint initiatives that would make people's lives at least a little easier.

Together with them, DPDgroup is showing its support to the people of Ukraine, with a donation of € 1 million to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement through the French Red Cross and a donation of € 200,000 to the European Federation of Food Banks (FEBA). In addition, each donated € 1 will be matched, euro for euro, up to two hundred thousand additional euros.

With FEBA, we have created a website where everyone who wants to can donate to Ukraine. Click on the following link for support: DPD Grants Page - You can also constantly monitor how much money we have raised so far on the website.

Donations will not only help in the collection and distribution of food, but also in the financing of charitable organizations that bring aid to the people of Ukraine.

# AllTogether4Ukraine

Delivery of gift parcels

Help with gift exchange

obdarovanje mamic obdarovanje mamic

Help with gift exchange

Although the month of December is marked by significantly increased quantities of received and delivered parcels, we nevertheless make an effort and come to the rescue even with small attention. We were approached by a young mother who introduced us to a group of 20 women - all of whom gave birth in September 2020, which connected them tremendously and they became a small family. They help and encourage each other.

In December, they wanted to organize a meeting, but because this was not possible, the young mother decided to surprise her friends and give them gift parcels for this purpose.

We organized the delivery of parcels and in our own way contributed to the surprise.

Christmas gifting of children from socially disadvantaged families

DPD Santa

Even though December is extremely busy for us, for four years now, on the initiative of Mrs. Romana from Koper, there has been a festive campaign of gifting children from socially disadvantaged families. Every year, many people with a good heart respond: this year they have collected as many as 50 packages for 50 children!

Our couriers then took care of the delivery of the gifts. Coordinator Jasmin takes care of the whole organization every year, so that the gifts are delivered before Christmas and they are waiting children under the Christmas tree.

Thus, our dwarf helpers bring a little festive joy to many families who can barely make ends meet from month to month, so that even the youngest ones are not left without presents. We are glad to be a part of such heartfelt projects.

DPD Santa

darila za otroke darila za otroke

Even though December is extremely busy for us, for four years now, on the initiative of Mrs. Romana from Koper, there has been a festive campaign of gifting children from socially disadvantaged families. Every year, many people with a good heart respond: this year they have collected as many as 50 packages for 50 children!

Our couriers then took care of the delivery of the gifts. Coordinator Jasmin takes care of the whole organization every year, so that the gifts are delivered before Christmas and they are waiting children under the Christmas tree.

Thus, our dwarf helpers bring a little festive joy to many families who can barely make ends meet from month to month, so that even the youngest ones are not left without presents. We are glad to be a part of such heartfelt projects.

Support to the University Rehabilitation Institute Soča

Institute Soča

Soča Soča

Institute Soča

We know that by connecting and giving, we can create a better world, so we decided to help children and help those in need. So we have decided to give donation to the University Rehabilitation Institute Soča, Department of Rehabilitation of Children, where they help children with various developmental disorders, the consequences of injuries and diseases of the movement and nervous system with a predominant movement disorder from birth to 15 years. The donation will help procure the necessary aids (strollers, splints, prostheses, special bicycles, communicators) needed for therapeutic programs and to prepare the children for the inclusion among their friends in kindergarten and school.

Sponsor of Football Club Slovan and Bowling Club Miklavž

Sponsor of Football Club Slovan and Bowling Club Miklavž

We have not forgotten about sports, which are extremely important for health prevention! We recognized the efforts of two sports clubs - the one training football and one training bowling; and decided to become their sponsor. This will help them to participate in the implementation of the sports association's program.

Sponsor of Football Club Slovan and Bowling Club Miklavž

Balls for soccer, rugby, baseball and other sports Balls for soccer, rugby, baseball and other sports

We have not forgotten about sports, which are extremely important for health prevention! We recognized the efforts of two sports clubs - the one training football and one training bowling; and decided to become their sponsor. This will help them to participate in the implementation of the sports association's program.