Comarch Optima DPD module

Mężczyzna w okularach używa laptopa i smartfona w biurze. Mężczyzna w okularach używa laptopa i smartfona w biurze.

Comarch Optima DPD module

For customers using Comarch Optima, we have prepared a special plug that allows you to integrate the warehouse system with DPD. Thanks to it, the user will be able to generate documents for shipments in a shorter and intuitive way and transfer data about them to the DPD Polska system.

DPD Polska customers can use the application for free by downloading it here at .


After installation, the User gains access to the following functionalities:

  • import of data about shipments from the Comarch Optima database;
  • printing shipping documents (label, handover protocol).

How to start:

To be able to integrate, please contact the DPD Polska sales representative.


Please send any questions regarding the functionality of the application to the following e-mail address: [email protected] 

The functionality and configuration are described in the user's manual.