Napis POMAGAM z DPD na kolorowych kwadratach.

Welcome to the website of the DPD Polska Foundation!

The mission of the Foundation is to support, above all, Couriers and Associates of DPD Polska or their families, including by organizing social and charity assistance.

The goals and principles of operation of the DPD Polska Foundation are described in its statute available in the National Court Register and at the Foundation's seat.

The Foundation acquires funds for, inter alia, from public collections, donations from legal and natural persons, benefits of the Founder.

The activities of the DPD Polska Foundation are subject to the provisions of the Act of April 6, 1984 on foundations and the Act of April 24, 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work.

Activities of the DPD Polska Foundation

The DPD Polska Foundation works primarily for the company's associates and in the first two years of operation it has already supported over 20 people in difficult health or life situations - after accidents, disabilities and serious diseases. Funds for statutory activities are obtained as a result of projects and actions involving the DPD Poland community (public fundraising, sports and environmental activities), as well as donations from the Founder.

The collected funds are used mainly to help couriers and carriers and their families in need, in accordance with the rules set out in the Regulations on providing social assistance by the DPD Polska Foundation in individual cases.

DPD Polska Foundation governance

DPD Polska Foundation Council

  • Rafał Nawłoka
  • Henryk Czyż
  • Angelika Wdowczyk - Kieliszek
  • Marta Westrych - Andrzejczyk

Management Board of the DPD Polska Foundation

  • Małgorzata Maj - President of the Management Board
  • Lidia Więcaszek – Kuczyńska - Member of the Management Board
  • Halina Makowska - Member of the Management Board
  • Marek Weremijewicz - Member of the Management Board
  • Michał Olbryś - Member of the Management Board


DPD Polska Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw (02-274), at ul. Mineralna 15, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000028368, NIP: 526-020-41-10, share capital: 228.604. 000 PLN



The DPD Polska Foundation with its seat in Warsaw (02-274), at ul. Mineralna 15, entered into the Register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and public health care institutions in the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS number: 0000699678, NIP number 522-310-30-53


Fundacja_DPD (at)


ING Bank Slaski S.A.

PL 21 1050 0086 1000 0090 3135 9426

Account currency: PLN