Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Labeltool DPD Shipper

Labeltool DPD Shipper

How do I use DPD Shipper on a Mac computer?

DPD Shipper Central is accessible on any device, but the locally installed version is not. If you still want to use it on a Mac computer, this is possible provided that DPD Shipper Local is installed on a Windows computer.

If you still have problems using DPD Shipper Local on a Mac computer, use the IP address of the Windows computer instead of the computer's name. For example: A Windows PC is named "Dell-DPD". If you want to connect to DPD Shipper on a Mac, type "http://Dell-DPD:8080/login". If this does not work, replace the name, Dell-DPD, with the IP address of the Windows computer, for example

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