What is a HS-code (Commodity code)?
To ship outside the EU, you need HS codes for all your products.
What are HS Codes (commodity code)?
Customs uses a commodity code or European HS code (Harmonized System) to classify products. This code consists of 8 digits for export. By using this code in the data you are sending tot DPD, we are able to make a correct Customs delivery. Customs will then know which products are in your shipment and how much import duties and other import taxes must be charged. .
Note: If the code is not entered correctly, Customs can classify your products in a different product category. This may require your recipient to pay a different price and you may receive a fine for incorrect classification. In extreme cases, DPD cannot submit a Customs declaration.
How do you get HS codes for products?
You can check the right HS codes to classify your products yourself via a tool at the tax authorities of the Netherlands. add the description of you product in English for the best results; for example carpet instead of kleed.
If you are using a labeltool of DPD, do not forget to add the quantity. Suppose your carpet is 2m2. Then add it to the description of your product: carpet of wool (2m2).