You can see the shipment status by entering the parcel number in DPD tracking system.
If the parcel cannot be found in the system, the parcel number must be specified by contacting the sender. The number consists of 14 digits and starts with 0 or 1.
Explanation of delivery status:
Order created – a parcel cover sheet has been created and the parcel is still located at the sender.
Parcel has been handed over to DPD - the parcel has been taken from the sender, but has not been delivered at DPD sorting point yet.
On the way — parcel has been handed over to DPD and is on the way to the sorting point.
Parcel is located in the terminal — the parcel is in the sorting process.
Parcel has been handed out for delivery - the parcel is already with the courier and delivery is in process.
Delivered – the parcel has been delivered to the recipient.