Please use a single email address for inquiries regarding local or international shipments. Handling multiple queries extends response times and places requests at the end of the queue.
Monday-Friday 8 am - 6 pm
Monday - Friday 8 am-6 pm
If you have a 14-digit parcel number, prepare it before of the call or include it in the subject line of the letter
Monday to Friday 08:00–16:45
Friday 08:00–15:30
Legal entity code 111639299
VAT payer code LT116392917
Registered office address: Terminalo g. 7, LT-54469, Biruliškių km., Kauno raj.
Legal status not registered
Company data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania.
Registry Manager: State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Kaunas Branch.
Current bank accounts:
Swedbank LT587300010074488707
SEB LT977044060001677907
Luminor DnB LT444010042402763601
Luminor Nordea LT182140030002636559
Šiaulių bankas LT607180300028467235