From checkout via delivery to returns: with our innovative solutions we offer shippers and consignees an all-round digitalised premium service, making online shopping an enjoyable experience.

No more missed parcels with DPD

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No more missed parcels with DPD

Sending, receiving and returning parcels has never been easier: with the DPD you never lose sight of your parcels.

Driverless delivery vehicles: the revolution on the last mile

In the year 2025 around 15 billion parcels are expected to be delivered to non-business consignees in Europe, most of them within cities. At the same time, cities are to become cleaner and more sustainable - less traffic congestion, less pollution. As a logistics service provider, Geopost faces the challenge of reconciling this requirement with the massive increase in parcel volumes. For this reason Geopost, together with Groupe Renault, has developed scenarios for parcel deliveries to be made driverless vehicles.

Driverless delivery vehicles: the revolution on the last mile

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Unternehmen DPD Innovationen Autonomes Fahren

In the year 2025 around 15 billion parcels are expected to be delivered to non-business consignees in Europe, most of them within cities. At the same time, cities are to become cleaner and more sustainable - less traffic congestion, less pollution. As a logistics service provider, Geopost faces the challenge of reconciling this requirement with the massive increase in parcel volumes. For this reason Geopost, together with Groupe Renault, has developed scenarios for parcel deliveries to be made driverless vehicles.

Parcel deliveries by drone

Unternehmen - DPD - Innovationen - Paketzustellung per Drohne Unternehmen - DPD - Innovationen - Paketzustellung per Drohne

Parcel deliveries by drone

No traffic jams, no exhaust fumes, parcels delivered from the air straight to your front door: parcel deliveries by drone are no longer simply a theoretical future possibility, but are currently being tested by Geopost.

Live-Tracking: tracking your parcels in real time.

Tipps und Tricks Live Tracking DPD Tipps und Tricks Live Tracking DPD

Live-Tracking: tracking your parcels in real time.

Our award-winning Live-Tracking function shows you exactly where your parcel is at any given time. And you know exactly when we'll be ringing your doorbell.

Smart solutions for the inner city

Smart solutions for the inner city

smart urban delivery

Smart urban delivery
Our commitment toward Smart Urban Delivery is to improve urban-life by giving people greater delivery choices, while helping to tackle traffic congestion and to reduce local pollution.


Reduce traffic impact in city centres and ensure environmentally friendly parcel deliveries.


Digital services
Digital innovations enable us to reduce the number of unsuccessful delivery attempts, which avoids unnecessary journeys and stopping times.