Sending parcels in Estonia and abroad quickly, conveniently and affordably

In addition to Estonia, 24 destination countries across Europe are within easy reach, door-to-door by courier or from parcel locker to parcel locker.

View the DPD price list of parcel locker and courier services and the allowed dimensions of parcels. Prepare the package label in the DPD e-service at or purchase it from the parcel locker.

I would like to send from parcel locker to parcel locker

8 x 18 x 61 cm


8 x 43 x 61 cm


17 x 43 x 61 cm


36 x 43 x 61 cm


2,59 €

2,99 €

4,38 €

5,36 €

Estonia - Latvia

5,59 €

6,92 €

7,93 €

8,94 €

Estonia - Lithuania

7,63 €

8,03 €

9,05 €

10,07 €

Estonia - Finland

21,01 €

21,87 €

22,41 €

24,30 €

Estonia - Sweden

21,89 €

27,74 €

30,99 €

34,34 €

Estonia - Poland

24,17 €

24,17 €

24,88 €

27,06 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary 

22 €

26,06 €

31,38 €

37,94 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia 

20,84 €

26,67 €

30,66 €

37,16 €

Estonia - Austria, Spain, Croatia, France

34,92 €

35,65 €

38,47 €

45,12 €

8 x 18 x 61 cm


2,59 €

Estonia - Latvia

5,59 €

Estonia - Lithuania

7,63 €

Estonia - Finland

21,01 €

Estonia - Sweden

21,89 €

Estonia - Poland

24,17 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary 

22 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia 

20,84 €

Estonia - Austria, Spain, Croatia, France

34,92 €


8 x 43 x 61 cm


2,99 €

Estonia - Latvia

6,92 €

Estonia - Lithuania

8,03 €

Estonia - Finland

21,87 €

Estonia - Sweden

27,74 €

Estonia - Poland

24,17 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary 

26,06 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia 

26,67 €

Estonia - Austria, Spain, Croatia, France

35,65 €


17 x 43 x 61 cm


4,38 €

Estonia - Latvia

7,93 €

Estonia - Lithuania

9,05 €

Estonia - Finland

22,41 €

Estonia - Sweden

30,99 €

Estonia - Poland

24,88 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary 

31,38 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia 

30,66 €

Estonia - Austria, Spain, Croatia, France

38,47 €


36 x 43 x 61 cm


5,36 €

Estonia - Latvia

8,94 €

Estonia - Lithuania

10,07 €

Estonia - Finland

24,30 €

Estonia - Sweden

34,34 €

Estonia - Poland

27,06 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary 

37,94 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia 

37,16 €

Estonia - Austria, Spain, Croatia, France

45,12 €

I would like to send from parcel locker to address or from address to parcel locker 


8 x 18 x 61 cm


8 x 43 x 61 cm


17 x 43 x 61 cm


36 x 43 x 61 cm


7,83 €

8,14 €

8,43 €

9,86 €

Estonia - Latvia

11,90 €

12,15 €

12,91 €

15,24 €

Estonia - Lithuania

12,75 €

13,77 €

13,02 €

16,12 €

Estonia - Finland

24,72 €

25,73 €

26,36 €

28,58 €

Estonia - Sweden

25,75 €

32,65 €

36,45 €

40,41 €

Estonia - Poland

28,43 €

28,44 €

29,27 €

31,82 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

25,88 €

30,66 €

36,91 €

44,63 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

24,52 €

31,38 €

36,08 €

43,71 €

Eesti - Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

41,08 €

41,94 €

45,26 €

53,07 €


8 x 18 x 61 cm


7,83 €

Estonia - Latvia

11,90 €

Estonia - Lithuania

12,75 €

Estonia - Finland

24,72 €

Estonia - Sweden

25,75 €

Estonia - Poland

28,43 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

25,88 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

24,52 €

Eesti - Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

41,08 €


8 x 43 x 61 cm


8,14 €

Estonia - Latvia

12,15 €

Estonia - Lithuania

13,77 €

Estonia - Finland

25,73 €

Estonia - Sweden

32,65 €

Estonia - Poland

28,44 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

30,66 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

31,38 €

Eesti - Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

41,94 €


17 x 43 x 61 cm


8,43 €

Estonia - Latvia

12,91 €

Estonia - Lithuania

13,02 €

Estonia - Finland

26,36 €

Estonia - Sweden

36,45 €

Estonia - Poland

29,27 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

36,91 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

36,08 €

Eesti - Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

45,26 €


36 x 43 x 61 cm


9,86 €

Estonia - Latvia

15,24 €

Estonia - Lithuania

16,12 €

Estonia - Finland

28,58 €

Estonia - Sweden

40,41 €

Estonia - Poland

31,82 €

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

44,63 €

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

43,71 €

Eesti - Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

53,07 €

I would like to send from address to address


8 x 18 x 61 cm


8 x 43 x 61 cm


17 x 43 x 61 cm


36 x 43 x 61 cm


põhja ümbermõõt+pikim külg (175 cm) kuni 300 cm


8,85 € 

9,15 € 

9,44 € 

10,88 € 

12,97 € 

Estonia - Latvia

12,91 € 

13,16 € 

13,93 € 

16,26 € 

19,12 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

13,76 € 

14,03 € 

14,80 € 

17,13 € 

20,03 € 

Estonia - Finland

26,74 € 

27,15 € 

28,13 € 

30,61 € 

34,16 € 

Estonia - Sweden

28,08 € 

28,51 € 

29,54 € 

32,15 € 

35,87 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

30,46 € 

30,93 € 

32,05 € 

34,87 € 

38,92 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

28,45 € 

34,56 € 

42,69 € 

50,83 € 

58,96 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

29,60 € 

35,94 € 

44,40 € 

52,86 € 

61,32 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

37 € 

44,93 € 

55,50 € 

66,08 € 

76,65 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

45,74 € 

48,03 € 

52,36 € 

59,46 € 

66,78 € 


8 x 18 x 61 cm


8,85 € 

Estonia - Latvia

12,91 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

13,76 € 

Estonia - Finland

26,74 € 

Estonia - Sweden

28,08 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

30,46 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

28,45 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

29,60 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

37 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

45,74 € 


8 x 43 x 61 cm


9,15 € 

Estonia - Latvia

13,16 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

14,03 € 

Estonia - Finland

27,15 € 

Estonia - Sweden

28,51 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

30,93 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

34,56 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

35,94 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

44,93 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

48,03 € 


17 x 43 x 61 cm


9,44 € 

Estonia - Latvia

13,93 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

14,80 € 

Estonia - Finland

28,13 € 

Estonia - Sweden

29,54 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

32,05 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

42,69 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

44,40 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

55,50 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

52,36 € 


36 x 43 x 61 cm


10,88 € 

Estonia - Latvia

16,26 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

17,13 € 

Estonia - Finland

30,61 € 

Estonia - Sweden

32,15 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

34,87 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

50,83 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

52,86 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

66,08 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

59,46 € 


põhja ümbermõõt+pikim külg (175 cm) kuni 300 cm


12,97 € 

Estonia - Latvia

19,12 € 

Estonia - Lithuania

20,03 € 

Estonia - Finland

34,16 € 

Estonia - Sweden

35,87 € 

Estonia - Poland,  Denmark

38,92 € 

Estonia - The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Hungary

58,96 € 

Estonia - Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Greece

61,32 € 

Estonia - Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia

76,65 € 

Estonia- Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania

66,78 € 

  • The prices included in the table apply to purchasing parcel labels on the DPD self-service portal or at the parcel locker. The service must be paid for immediately after generating the parcel label..
  • One parcel may weigh up to 31.5 kg, if sent via parcel locker in the Baltic states; 20 kg if sent elsewhere in Europe (except Portugal, up to 10 kg).
  • Upon delivery from sender’s address to recipient’s address, the maximum weight of one parcel is 31.5 kg everywhere in Europe.
  • If the parcel exceeds the allowed measurements or weight, we cannot offer delivery services for the consignment.
  • Smallest allowed size for one parcel is a size A5 security envelope (21 × 14.8 × 0.5 cm).
  • Upon sending a parcel of maximum width and height to a parcel locker, we recommend selecting a larger locker size so the recipient will be able to retrieve the parcel.
  • The prices include 22% VAT.