Come and join us, we are waiting for you!

The DPD team is characterised by trust, unity and a good sense of humour—the abilities that enable us to work together and achieve all the ambitious goals we set for ourselves as a company. DPD is an employer that cares for customer and employee satisfaction and aims to offer quality in everything we do.

Annika Oruaas

DPD Estonia HR and sustainability manager

Come and join us, we are waiting for you!

Annika Oruaas Annika Oruaas

The DPD team is characterised by trust, unity and a good sense of humour—the abilities that enable us to work together and achieve all the ambitious goals we set for ourselves as a company. DPD is an employer that cares for customer and employee satisfaction and aims to offer quality in everything we do.

Annika Oruaas

DPD Estonia HR and sustainability manager


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                            Would you like to work as a courier?

                            Check out our job offers for courier position:

                            What is important to us?

                            CS CS

                            Hoolime oma töötajatest

                            • Värbame töötajaid, kes jagavad meiega samu väärtusi.
                            • Austame ennast ja teisi, meie kommunikatsioon on otsekohene ning avatud.
                            • Töötervishoid ja -ohutus on meie jaoks võtmetähtsusega.
                            • Pakume töötajatele mitmeid koolitusi ning soodustusi.

                            Oleme õiglane ja kaasav tööandja

                            • Austame inimõigusi, tuginedes ÜRO äritegevuse ja inimõiguste juhtpõhimõtetele.
                            • Edendame mitmekesisust ning kaasamist. Meie värbamine põhineb ennekõike kandidaadi oskuste ja võimete hindamisel. Värbamine, koolitamine, tööalane areng ja mitmekesisus töökohal on konkurentsieelis, see tugevdab ja rikastab meid.
                            • Meil on nulltolerants rassismi, diskrimineerimise, ahistamise ja vägivalla vastu.
                            • Meil on selged ja avalikud kriteeriumid töötulemuste hindamiseks.
                            • Kohtleme kõiki töötajaid õiglaselt ja samadel alustel.
                            • Kommunikeerime oma otsuseid ja nende põhjuseid ühtselt ja selgelt.

                            Toetame arengut ja elukestvat õpet

                            • Meie värbamine on väärtuspõhine ja neutraalne.
                            • Toetame töötajate arengut, pakume aktiivselt vabu ametikohti ka majasiseseks kandideerimiseks.
                            • Oleme valmis andma võimalusi ka vähesema kogemusega töötajale ning panustama tema väljaõppesse.

                            Values and culture

                            dpd_väärtused_est-01 dpd_väärtused_est-01

                            Values and culture

                            As a family-friendly employer we endeavour to offer our employees a meaningful working environment with plenty of opportunities to do content-rich, smart work, but also maintain a reasonable workload so people would have energy and enthusiasm to fully enjoy time with their friends and family. The demands of family life are variable and need a flexible approach—something that is important in one stage of life may not have the same significance in a few years.

                            For DPD it is also important to take notice and be present for its employees, offer them flexibility and support in coordinating their work and family life. We do this via quality management, close relations with colleagues, and also our benefits.

                            As an employer we value diversity above all; in 2014 we joined the Diversity Charter and do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, faith, skin colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.

                            A violin does not make an orchestra- people with different ways of thinking and background enrich our team, allow us to see various approaches to finding solutions to challenges, and broaden our world view. Awareness of the diversity of personality types, relationships and family dynamics promotes understanding, acceptance and respect. In a community and collective it is important to be empathetic, understanding and inclusive.


                            Sustainability is a natural way of thinking for us—we deliver millions of parcels to a growing number of people on a daily basis, we acknowledge our influence in urbanised communities and offer solutions that improve quality of life. Starting from 2019, DPD Group has developed various smart urban logistics solutions that reduce pollution and noise in cities and offer online shoppers a number of flexible and sustainable delivery options.

                            As the next step, we have set the goal of reducing our carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2040. For this, we will replace our last mile delivery fleet completely with electric vehicles, diversify our regular service fleet with vehicles using alternative fuels, and are developing our offices to run on renewable energy.


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                            Sustainability is a natural way of thinking for us—we deliver millions of parcels to a growing number of people on a daily basis, we acknowledge our influence in urbanised communities and offer solutions that improve quality of life. Starting from 2019, DPD Group has developed various smart urban logistics solutions that reduce pollution and noise in cities and offer online shoppers a number of flexible and sustainable delivery options.

                            As the next step, we have set the goal of reducing our carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2040. For this, we will replace our last mile delivery fleet completely with electric vehicles, diversify our regular service fleet with vehicles using alternative fuels, and are developing our offices to run on renewable energy.

                            Contact us

                            Olga Jegorova

                            HR specialist
