How can we help you?

If you have questions about sending or receiving parcels, we have compiled all the necessary information regarding DPD parcel delivery.

For example, how to track the movement of a parcel, redirect it to a parcel locker or reschedule delivery to another date, return a parcel to the sender and many more useful topics.

  • Saatmine
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How can I send a parcel with DPD?

You can register your parcel online at or at the parcel locker.

If you cannot print the package label at home, you can print it at the parcel locker by scanning the QR code or entering the PIN.

You can send your parcels from DPD parcel lockers or call a courier to collect the parcel.

How much does it cost to send a parcel?

View the prices of DPD parcel delivery in Estonia and abroad on the price list page.

You can also use our e-service to calculate the price. When you enter the destination and starting point, the environment will show you the available delivery methods and prices.

How can I send a parcel abroad?

Shipping abroad is as easy as shipping to Estonia. Select the delivery method and destination and prepare the package label in the e-service at or at the parcel locker.

How can I calculate the parcel size?

If you send parcels from DPD parcel lockers, please measure all three sides of the parcel. Read the allowed parcel sizes for parcel lockers on our website. If you send a parcel by courier, you can check the dimensions using the calculator.

How can I hand over my parcels to DPD?

You can hand over your parcels to us via our parcel lockers or order a courier to your address. You can choose the most convenient method to hand over your parcel when completing the parcel form in the DPD e-service at

  • DPD pakiautomaadid
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How do I find my local DPD parcel locker?

Our DPD parcel locker finder will enable you to find parcel lockers and in your area. Simply enter your location or postcode into the search function in order to find out the location and address of your nearest parcel locker.

How long will my parcel be stored at the DPD parcel locker?

Parcels which are delivered to the DPD parcel locker are stored there for 7 calendar days (you will get a reminder on the 3rd day). Calendar days are every day of the week, including Sunday. After that the parcel is returned to the consignor.

What if the parcel does not fit in the selected compartment of the parcel locker?

If you find that the parcel does not fit in the compartment, leave the locker door open and select “Open larger compartment” on the screen. Then close the open door. Next, select the new compartment size and pay the remaining fee. A new compartment will open; place your parcel in the compartment and close the door.

If you have already closed the door, you can still send your parcel on the same day, using the same package label, from another DPD parcel locker.

Ma ei ole saanud SMSi, kuigi näitab, et pakk on pakiautomaadis.

Edasta palun meie klienditeenindusele [email protected] pakinumber ja telefoninumber, kuhu sõnumit ootad. Võimalik, et saatja on eksinud saaja andmete märkimisel telefoninumbriga ning meie klienditeenindus saab edastada uue sõnumi õigele numbrile.

Miks ma ei saa enda pakki ümber suunata?

Pakki on võimalik ümber suunata ja andmeid täiendada alles siis, kui pakk on jõudnud sihtriiki.

Paki ümbersuunamine DPD pakiautomaati pole võimalik, kui pakk ei vasta pakiautomaadi tingimustele. Pakk võib olla oma mõõtmetelt liiga suur või on pakil lisateenus (näiteks dokumenditagastus või isikutuvastus), mis nõuab paki üle andmist otse saajale.

  • Pakkide kättesaamine
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When will my parcel arrive?

If the consignment is in delivery, we will notify the recipient by SMS or e-mail of the delivery time with a 1 hour accuracy. If the proposed time is not suitable for the recipient, the time and place of receipt can be changed via the notification. Changes usually occur the next business day. We recommend that the customer always makes changes via self-service, because the DPD customer service cannot offer the recipient any alternatives other than those specified in the self-service.

Delivery times.

What happens if the courier cannot contact the recipient?

We try to deliver all goods on the first attempt. If the courier cannot reach the recipient at the address or by telephone, the parcel will be automatically forwarded to a DPD parcel locker. If the consignment does not fit in the locker, it will be forwarded to delivery again if the contact information is correct. If the courier cannot contact the recipient in the second delivery, the consignment is taken to the depot, where it is stored for 7 working days. After seven working days the parcel will be sent back to the sender.

How can a parcel be tracked?

Each consignment has a unique 14-digit parcel number.

Track the parcel’s journey here.

Kas ma võin oma pakile ka DPD sorteerimiskeskusesse järele tulla?

Teatud sorteerimiskeskustesse saad oma pakile ise järele tulla. Tegu pole siiski tavapärase praktikaga ja selleks tuleb vastava sorteerimiskeskusega enne ühendust võtta.

Pane tähele! Jüri sorteerimiskeskuses, aadressil Taevavärava tee 1, kauba vastuvõttu ja väljastamist enam ei toimu. Väiksemate pakkide puhul on võimalik kasutada maja ees asuvat pakiautomaati. Suuremate saadetiste korral palume tellida kullerteenus.

Pea meeles, et pakke hoitakse sorteerimiskeskustes vaid ajutiselt ja üldiselt pole need ühes sorteerimiskeskuses kauem kui üks päev. Oma pakile ise järele tulemine on seega soovitatav üksnes sel juhul, kui tegu on kauba saatjale tagasi saadetud pakiga, nt kui meil ei õnnestu mitmel korral sulle pakki üle anda või kui pakile ei tuldud DPD pakiautomaati järele seitsme päeva jooksul. Palun pea meeles, et sorteerimiskeskusest paki kätte saamine tuleb eelnevalt kindlasti kooskõlastada meie klienditeenindusega [email protected].

How long will my parcel be stored at the DPD parcel locker?

Parcels which are delivered to the DPD parcel locker are stored there for 7 calendar days (you will get a reminder on the 3rd day). Calendar days are every day of the week, including Sunday. After that the parcel is returned to the consignor.

  • Ümbersuunamine
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How can I change the place or day of delivery?

As the consignee you decide when or where we deliver the parcel. You can choose from many different redirection options in order to have your parcel delivered the way it suits you best. Simply enter your parcel number, select the required option, e.g. delivery to a DPD parcel locker, and confirm your selection.

If I reroute the parcel, when will it be delivered?

When you change the delivery location, please keep in mind that the parcel will probably reach you on the next workday, as the new location may not be on the delivery route of the initial courier.

Miks ma ei saa enda pakki ümber suunata?

Pakki on võimalik ümber suunata ja andmeid täiendada alles siis, kui pakk on jõudnud sihtriiki.

Paki ümbersuunamine DPD pakiautomaati pole võimalik, kui pakk ei vasta pakiautomaadi tingimustele. Pakk võib olla oma mõõtmetelt liiga suur või on pakil lisateenus (näiteks dokumenditagastus või isikutuvastus), mis nõuab paki üle andmist otse saajale.

Mis on viimane aeg teha muudatusi paki kättesaamiseks?

Kuniks pakk pole sinuni jõudnud, saad teha mistahes muudatusi.

Mitu korda saan muudatusi teha?

Iga paki kohta saab teha kuni kaks muudatust.

  • Pakkide tagastamine
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Kuidas ma saan oma paki saatjale tagastada?

Võta palun ühendust paki saatjaga, kes annab sulle edasised juhised, mil viisil on võimalik konkreetsele saatjale pakk tagasi saata.

  • Pakendamine
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How do i apply a parcel label?

It's very important to apply the parcel label correctly when you send parcels. Your parcel label should always be applied to the largest surface of the parcel, where it can be clearly read. In addition you should not use parcel labels which are crumpled or difficult to read. Please remove all old labels.

Can a courier package a consignment for a customer?

No, couriers do not provide a packaging service. We only accept consignments that are already packaged. For the safe transport of the goods, please package the consignments correctly, according to our packaging instructions.

Learn more about how to package properly.

What can be used as packaging material?

If the consignment is not packed correctly, there is a risk that the consignment will break during transport. The consignment must be able to withstand shocks and vibrations during transport. It is therefore important to package your consignment properly.

Outer packaging

Always use high-quality packaging that is strong enough for the contents. Make sure the package is large enough for filling material. If there are old labels on the packaging, they must all be removed.

Inner packaging

Filling material must be added in such a way that the contents of the parcel cannot move around in the box. Fragile and easily damaged goods must be packaged separately. The contents of the parcel must be protected on all sides with filling material and a fragile consignment label must be attached to the outer package.

Read more about packaging here.

Does DPD sell packaging materials?

DPD does not sell packaging materials, but the materials can be purchased from various supermarkets, crafts stores and packaging centres.

If you want your parcel delivery to be seamless, we recommend packaging the consignments correctly.

  • Lepingulisele ärikliendile
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Kuidas hakata DPD ärikliendiks?

Koostöölepingu sõlmimiseks palume täita meie kodulehel lepingu sõlmimise vorm. Võtame sinuga ühendust 1 tööpäeva jooksul.

Mida tähendab mahupõhine soodustus?

Mida rohkem saadad, seda suurem allahindluse protsent hinnakirjas olevatele baashindadele rakendub. Soodustuse mudeli leiad enda koostöölepingust ning need rakenduvad automaatselt transpordiarvele.

Kuidas lisada DPD tarnevalikud e-poe ostukorvi?

Tarnemoodulid võimaldavad saata üle Eesti ja Euroopa nii kulleriga kui ka pakiautomaati.

Tasuta tarnemoodulid enamlevinud platvormidele: WooCommerce, Prestashop, Shopify, OpenCart, Magento. Lisaks võimalus arendada automaatne API liidestus või kasutada kolmandate osapoolte liideseid: Montonio, Maksekeskus, Outvio ning Voog.

Loe lähemalt IT lahendustest.

Milliseid lisateenuseid DPD pakub?

DPD pakub laia valikut lisateenuseid, mis vastavad täpselt sinu ja sinu klientide vajadustele. Lisateenuseid pakume DPD lepingulistele klientidele. Tutvu lisateenuste valikuga meie kodulehel.

How can I file a claim?

Did something happen to your consignment during transportation?

File a claim here.

Didn’t find the answer to your question? Contact us:

If you have a 14-digit DPD parcel number, please have it ready before calling us, or include the parcel number in the subject line of your e-mail.

DPD Eesti AS

Business registry code: 10092256
VAT number: EE100202850

Taevavärava tee 1,
76403, Lehmja, Rae vald

Customer service

Mon–Fri 8.00–19.00
Sat 9.00–17.00


Sales department

Mon-Fri 8.00–17.00
Sat, Sun closed


Data protection

Mon-Fri 8.00–17.00
Sat, Sun closed


Technical support

Mon-Fri 8.00–17.00
Sat, Sun closed


Whistle blowing

Report violations related to corruption, bribery, fraud, unethical conduct, security and safety, bullying, dishonest behaviour, harassment, etc.

Voice your concerns: