Here you will find questions and our answers relating to the subject of receiving parcels. We will tell you how to track and redirect your parcel, give you answers about parcel delivery and how to evaluate our services.
Your parcel is currently still at the parcel delivery centre and can't be processed for delivery at the moment.
The possible reasons for this are:
We will be happy to help you find your parcel.
As soon as the shipper has handed over the parcel to DPD, you can track the status of your parcel at any time in the parcel tracking function. If the parcel status remains unchanged for a day, feel free to contact us.
With a drop-off okay you allow the DPD driver to leave your parcel in a safe place which you specify, for example in the garage. Please regonize that the location must be freely accessible for the driver.
You can issue a one-time drop-off okay for a parcel in your parcel tracking, or enter a drop-off okay as a permanent delivery preference for all your parcels.
We will be happy to help you as a consignee.
We will be happy to help you if the tracking system shows that your parcel was delivered, but you in fact have not received it.
After you have received a DPD parcel, we would be pleased if you would rate our delivery service in myDPD or the DPD App. To do so, enter the parcel number and assign 1 to 5 stars in your rating.
If the goods in the parcel arrive damaged, ideally you should take a photo and contact your shipper at the same time. We often receive additional information and requests for clarification from your shipper, our contractual partner.
Unfortunately a rating cannot be changed subsequently.