The button is used to complete the dispatch process for all orders with the "Checked" status. First the "Complete dispatch" dialogue box opens, in which you specify which documents are to be printed and which are to be created as a PDF for archiving. Click on "Complete" to complete the dispatch process. Please note that "C:\" is not permitted as the target path for creating files. Make the necessary settings for data transmission under Menu -> "Configuration" -> "Settings" -> "Internet" tab in order to ensure that DPD receives your shipment data. You can start a connection test in the tab with the "Perform test" button before you complete your shipment.
Nehmen Sie die nötigen Einstellungen für die Datenübertragung unter Menü -> „Konfiguration“ -> „Einstellungen“ -> Reiter „Internet“ vor, um sicherzustellen, dass DPD Ihre Sendungsdaten erhält. Einen Verbindungstest können Sie vor Ihrem Versandabschluss in dem Reiter mit der Schaltfläche „Test durchführen“ starten.
Home / How do I complete the dispatch process in DPD Print?