If you have any questions about data protection at DPD you'll probably find the answer in DPD's privacy policy. If not, simply ask us using our contact form below.
This form is only to be used for questions relating to data protection. Enquiries relating to services, quality or complaints on the subject of parcel shipping are dealt with exclusively by our Customer Service.
You can delete the data relating to your DPD account yourself directly under "Profile". For all other deletion requests please use this form. Please note: DPD is a postal service provider. We process your data for the delivery of parcels and receive this data again and again from the shipper. In addition to the legally prescribed storage obligations, even if your data is deleted we may have to receive and store it again each time you receive a new shipment.
Reponsible location according EU-DSGVO:
DPD Deutschland GmbH
Wailandtstraße 1
63741 Aschaffenburg
If you have any questions relating to parcel shipping with DPD, please use our contact form.
You can contact Michael Mayer, our Data Protection Officer, at datenschutz[@]dpd.de.
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