
Important questions about the contact-free delivery

In order to protect our delivery personnel and customers from the coronavirus, we are now reducing to a minimum all possible social contact points during delivery, and are introducing contact-free home deliveries. With contact-free delivery a minimum distance of two metres is kept, and the consignee's signature as confirmation of receipt of the parcel is not necessary.

It is important that the consignee is present during the contact-free delivery.

But from now on it isn’t only home deliveries which are contact-free. At Pickup parcelshops, too, parcels are now delivered and picked up without any contact.

The consignee can’t be located?

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The consignee can’t be located?

The parcel is then scanned as "Not delivered". You should try to deliver the parcel again the following day. If the consignee still can’t be located, the parcel is returned to the shipper.

Exception: small, flat parcels that fit into the letterbox can for the moment be placed there.

The consignee refuses to take delivery?

The parcel is returned to the shipper.

The consignee refuses to take delivery?

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The parcel is returned to the shipper.

Is the shop/business closed (a sign is displayed)?

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Is the shop/business closed (a sign is displayed)?

If the business and the incoming goods department are closed and the business has put up a notice about the closure, please take a picture of the notice with your smartphone and pass the photo on to your tour supervisor.

Is the business closed (no sign is displayed)?

If a business has not put up a sign about a closure but is still not open, you can assume that the business is closed. You process the parcel as a non-delivery with "No goods acceptance".

Is the business closed (no sign is displayed)?

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If a business has not put up a sign about a closure but is still not open, you can assume that the business is closed. You process the parcel as a non-delivery with "No goods acceptance".