
Contact-free home delivery - acceptance by consignee at the front door

I am delivering parcels to consignees.

Contact-free home delivery - acceptance by consignee at the front door

Ich liefere Pakete an Empfänger Ich liefere Pakete an Empfänger

I am delivering parcels to consignees.

Please ensure a minimum distance of 2 metres and contact-free delivery of the parcel.


Empfänger ist zu Hause Empfänger ist zu Hause


I ring the consignee's doorbell. The consignee is at home.


I inform him/her about the contact-free delivery.


123 123

I inform him/her about the contact-free delivery.


Kontrollscan Kontrollscan


I select the stop and carry out the check scan.

I leave the parcel(s) at a distance of two metres from the consignee.


In the delivery options I select “Contact-free delivery”. The consignee’s name is automatically entered into the signature field. A signature is no longer necessary.


Zustelloptionen Zustelloptionen

In the delivery options I select “Contact-free delivery”. The consignee’s name is automatically entered into the signature field. A signature is no longer necessary.

Please note:

contact-free delivery is mainly intended for private consignees. Business customers still have to sign on the handheld to confirm receipt.


Unterschrift Unterschrift


If a consignee wants to confirm the receipt of his/her parcel(s) with a signature, I select “Delivery with signature” in the delivery options and ask the consignee to sign on the handheld.