Exchange Service - delivery of an Exchange Service parcel
With Exchange Service parcels we deliver a parcel and in return take an Exchange parcel back to the depot.
I am delivering parcels to consignees.
I am delivering parcels to consignees.
I scan the parcel (standard delivery) and hand it to the consignee.
The consignee now exchanges all or part of the contents of the parcel and hands it back to me. For this purpose I use the existing transport packaging or the customer's prepared packaging.
The consignee now exchanges all or part of the contents of the parcel and hands it back to me. For this purpose I use the existing transport packaging or the customer's prepared packaging.
I stick the enclosed exchange parcel label on the parcel, which I take back to the depot as an exchange parcel. I make sure that I stick the exchange parcel label over the original delivery label.
I use the delivery mode to scan the barcode on the exchange parcel label and on my MDU I enter the name of the person who signs the MDU as confirmation that the exchange parcel has been received.
I use the delivery mode to scan the barcode on the exchange parcel label and on my MDU I enter the name of the person who signs the MDU as confirmation that the exchange parcel has been received.
I get the consignee to sign on the MDU and confirm the entry.