Where can you find us?

Thanks to Geopost you can use the whole network of depots and hubs all over Europe. In the Czech Republic we operate 23 depots and 2 central hubs. In DPD depots it is possible to pick your parcels up or hand them over for transport thanks to our DPD Pickup network.

Addresses of the depots and links to Google Maps are listed below. You can use them to find us easily!

And if you did not find what you were looking for, you can contact our Customer Service Department via Contact Form or other contact details below.


Where can you find us?
mapa-2210 mapa-2210

Thanks to Geopost you can use the whole network of depots and hubs all over Europe. In the Czech Republic we operate 23 depots and 2 central hubs. In DPD depots it is possible to pick your parcels up or hand them over for transport thanks to our DPD Pickup network.

Addresses of the depots and links to Google Maps are listed below. You can use them to find us easily!

And if you did not find what you were looking for, you can contact our Customer Service Department via Contact Form or other contact details below.


Our depots

  Depot 1380 - Chlumec u Ústí nad Labem

Address: Chlumec 420, 403 39 Chlumec u Ústí nad Labem
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.694291, 13.948692
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1387 - České Budějovice

Address: Okružní 2615/7, Areál Mane, 370 01 České Budějovice
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 48.998126, 14.490177
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1381 - Modletice

Address: Modletice 135 (Komerční zóna), 251 01 Říčany
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.974862, 14.596717
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1388 - Jeřmanice (Liberec)

Address: Milířská (sjezd z E442 - Exit 29), 463 12 Jeřmanice
Link to Google Maps, GPS 50.702841, 15.094621
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1382 - Horka nad Moravou (Olomouc)

Address: Areál Delta Army, Olomoucká 612/34, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.628639, 17.203940
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1389 - Žalmanov (Karlovy Vary)

Address: Žalmanov 84, 364 71 Stružná
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.189153, 12.984677
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1383 - Hradec Králové

Address: Vážní 521, 503 41 Hradec Králové
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.227306, 15.849868
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1391 - Unhošť

Address: Lidická 1527, 273 51 Unhošť
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.0983847, 14.1376269
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1384 - Ostrava

Address: Orlovská 162/803, 713 00 Ostrava - Heřmanice
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.862876, 18.321992
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1392 - Michle

Address: Chodovská 228/3, 141 00 Praha 4 - Michle
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.0526408, 14.4721253
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1385 - Měnín (Brno)

Address: Měnín 580, 664 57 Měnín
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.068695, 16.681963
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1394 - Jihlava

Address: Hruškové Dvory 141, 58601 Jihlava
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.417306, 15.614500

Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1386 - Plzeň

Address: Libušínská 728/72, 326 00 Plzeň-Božkov
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.7272279, 13.4203278
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 1395 - Nehvizdy

Address: Řecká (Komerční zóna), 250 81 Nehvizdy
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.128176, 14.716368
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2360 - Ústí nad Labem

Address: Hliňany 22, 400 02 Řehlovice - Hliňany
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.61365459853291, 13.953873947049216
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2367 - České Budějovice

Address: Hraniční ul. 2253, 370 06 České Budějovice
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 48.97598411289183, 14.515468299296655
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2361 - Modletice

Address: Modletice 130, AOS II, 251 01 Říčany
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.97444172642788, 14.600841559349343
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2371 - Velké Přílepy

Address: Statenická 732, 252 64 Velké Přílepy
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.156815421290354, 14.30160320437567
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2372 - Praha 10, Štěrboholy

Address: K Hrušovu 292/4, 102 00 Praha 10 - Štěrboholy
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.06813824089227, 14.541472902151058
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2364 - Ostrava (Mošnov)

Address: Generála Fajtla 372, 742 51 Mošnov
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.683095, 18.101116
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2365 - Brno

Address: Stará pošta 819, 664 61 Brno - Rajhrad
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.086546311329265, 16.582136373567362
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

  Depot 2375 - Otrokovice

Address: Terezov 939, 763 62 Tlumačov
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.23639028018495, 17.537689783339108
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

Depot 2363 - Pardubice

Address: Dašická, 533 75 Dolní Ředice
Link to Google Maps, GPS: 50.075328, 15.920525
Opening hours: PO - PÁ 09:00 - 18:00 hod.
Phone: 225 373 373

Depot Finder

Please enter the country and postcode or the depot number.

Country *

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Please select
Austria (AT)
Belgium (BE)
Bosnia (BA)
Bulgaria (BG)
China (CN)
Croatia (HR)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Denmark (DK)
Estonia (EE)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Great Britain (GB)
Greece (GR)
Hungary (HU)
India (IN)
Ireland (IE)
Italy (IT)
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Kazakhstan (KZ)
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Latvia (LV)
Lithuania (LT)
Luxemburg (LU)
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Norway (NO)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Romania (RO)
Russia (RU)
Serbia (CS)
Slovakia (SK)
Slovenia (SI)
South Africa (ZA)
Spain (ES)
Sweden (SE)
Switzerland (CH)
Turkey (TR)
Ukraine (UA)
United Arab Emirates (AE)
Depot number

Your local contact partner.

Seat of the company

Our seat, same as one of our depots, is in Modletice (close to Ricany):

Direct Parcel Distribution CZ s. r. o.

Modletice 135

251 01 Říčany u Prahy

IN: 61329266

TIN: CZ61329266

Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.975139, 14.596741

Seat of the company

modletice_dpd modletice_dpd

Our seat, same as one of our depots, is in Modletice (close to Ricany):

Direct Parcel Distribution CZ s. r. o.

Modletice 135

251 01 Říčany u Prahy

IN: 61329266

TIN: CZ61329266

Link to Google Maps, GPS: 49.975139, 14.596741

You did not find, what you were looking for?

Kontakt Kontakt

You did not find, what you were looking for?

Contact our Customer Service Department via the contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

Our Customer Service Department is at your disposal also via:

Contact Form