Do you need to send parcels to your partners or to your branches? Our DPD Classic service ensures reliable and safe delivery of your parcels in time.
Each parcel will be delivered within the next working day following its collection at your place.
The Consignee is notified about the delivery one day in advance by e-mail.
Parcel insurance up to CZK 50,000 is included in the transport price.
Up to three delivery attempts.
Thanks to the unique 14-digit code, you can easily track the delivery progress of your parcel.
Consignees are provided with the myDPD app for tracking the movement of their parcel, but they can also have their parcels sent into a Pickup Parcelshop, add a second address or postpone the delivery by up to 10 days.
We will represent you professionally with each parcel delivered.
With our DPD Private service, consignees will know exactly when we will arrive within 1 hour window.
One hour delivery interval, which will be specified to the customer on the day of delivery by SMS or e-mail.
Ideal solution for online stores
Each parcel will be delivered within the next working day following its collection at your place.
Parcel insurance up to CZK 50,000 is included in the transport price.
Up to three delivery attempts.
Thanks to the unique 14-digit code, you can easily track the delivery progress of your parcel.
Consignees are provided with the myDPD app for tracking the movement of their parcel, but they can also have their parcels sent into a Pickup Parcelshop, add a second address or postpone the delivery by up to 10 days.
Do you need to send tyres to your customers? We have a solution for you, our DPD Pneu service.
One hour delivery interval, which will be specified to the customer on the day of delivery by SMS or e-mail
We deliver the parcel within the next day (in highseason it may take up to 96 hours)
Shipment insurance up to CZK 50,000 included in the price of delivery (coverage can be extended up to CZK 500,000, or even higher coverage can be set individually)
Up to 3 delivery attempts
The price includes courier pickup, can also be made in person at the depot
The recipient can use the myDPD mobile application to track the shipment, add a backup address or postpone delivery for 10 days.
We will represent you professionally with each delivery.
Shipments cannot be placed, delivered or redirected to Pickup parcelshops or Lockers
Proper packaging is required - more information HERE
Get new customers who prefer to pick up their parcels in person. Our Pickup parcelshops & Pickup Boxes (& partner lockers) network already offers more than 7,500 branches in Czechia and around 128,000 in Europe.
Dense network of 128,000 Pickup points
At DPD, we are constantly innovating, which is related to the increase in the number of our Pickup points (parcelshops + self service lockers). At present, you can use more than 7,500 Pickup points in the Czech Republic and around 128,000 in Europe.
The shipment is stored up to 7 days
We will keep each parcel safe for your customers at the Pickup parcelshop for up to 7 calendar days (48hrs for lockers). Then we'll send it back to you.
Opening hours during weekends or 24/7
Most of our parcelshops are open at least one day on weekends. DPD Pickup Boxes are open 24/7.
Well informed consignees
The recipient is informed on the day of collection. Furthermore, the recipient is informed upon delivery of the parcel to the parcelshop and in case that the recipient does not pick up the consignment within 4 days of storage time, he is informed of the impending return of the parcel to the sender.
Dense network of 128,000 Pickup points
At DPD, we are constantly innovating, which is related to the increase in the number of our Pickup points (parcelshops + self service lockers). At present, you can use more than 7,500 Pickup points in the Czech Republic and around 128,000 in Europe.
The shipment is stored up to 7 days
We will keep each parcel safe for your customers at the Pickup parcelshop for up to 7 calendar days (48hrs for lockers). Then we'll send it back to you.
Opening hours during weekends or 24/7
Most of our parcelshops are open at least one day on weekends. DPD Pickup Boxes are open 24/7.
Well informed consignees
The recipient is informed on the day of collection. Furthermore, the recipient is informed upon delivery of the parcel to the parcelshop and in case that the recipient does not pick up the consignment within 4 days of storage time, he is informed of the impending return of the parcel to the sender.
Delivery from one Pickup Parcelshop to another Parcelshop or self-service Parcel Locker
The parcel can only be sent at Pickup parcelshops and depots
You can use more than 7,500 Pickup and self-service parcel lockers in the Czech Republic
Possibility to use the service when sending to Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Croatia (cash on delivery only possible in the Czech Republic)
Easy ordering of the service and printing of labels in the DPD Shipping app
Delivery to the recipient's address 2-3 days after submission by the sender
Up to 3 delivery attempts
Continuous notification of the recipient
Cash on delivery option (only for shipments in the Czech Republic)
Option to use the additional service Extended Cover
The following parameters apply to DPD Shop2Shop:
When sending on Pickup Parcelshops
Maximum parcel weight: 20 kg
Maximum length of the longest side: 100 cm
Maximum girth: 250 cm
Maximum cash on delivery : 50.000 CZK (cash on delivery is only possible in the Czech Republic)
Storage time: 7 calendar days
Can also be used for shipping to Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Croatia
Service does not include pickup by courier
On pickup at DPD Box
Maximum parcel weight: 20 kg
Maximum dimensions for boxes: 67 x 41 x 56 cm
Maximum cash on delivery : 50.000 CZK (cash on delivery is only possible in the Czech Republic)
Storage time: 48 hours
Can also be used for shipping to Slovakia, Poland and Croatia
Service does not include pickup by courier
Delivery from the Pickup Parcelshops to private address
The parcel can only be sent at Pickup parcelshops and depots
Max. 5 parcels per day and pickup parcelshop
You can use 7,500+ Pickup Parcelshops and self-service parcel lockers in the Czech Republic
Possibility to use the service when sending to Slovakia, Poland and Croatia (cash on delivery only possible in the Czech Republic)
Easy ordering of the service and printing of labels in the DPD Shipping app
Delivery to the recipient's address 2-3 days after submission by the sender
Up to 3 delivery attempts
Continuous notification of the recipient including access to myDPD application
Cash on delivery option
for unregistered customers cash on delivery is possible only within the Czech Republic and SK
for registered customers cash on delivery is possible in the Czech Republic, SK and also in Croatia
Option to use the additional service Extended Cover
The following parameters apply to DPD Shop2Home:
When sending at Pickup Parcelshops
Maximum parcel weight: 20 kg
Maximum length of the longest side: 100 cm
Maximum girth: 250 cm
Maximum cash on delivery amount: CZK 50,000 in cash / CZK 200,000 by card (unregistered customers – COD in Czech republic and Slovakia only, registered customers in Croatia additionally)
It can also be used for sending to Slovakia, Poland and Croatia
The service does not include pickup by courier
We will deliver your parcel on the next day following its collection at your place before 12 p.m. or 6 p.m.
We guarantee next day delivery by 12:00. The service is based on DPD Classic, delivery is announced both by email and SMS.
Guaranteed delivery by 12:00 the next working day throughout the country.
Delivery notification is sent to the recipient by email 1 day in advance.
Insurance up to 50 000 CZK included in the price of transport.
Up to 3 delivery attempts.
Thanks to a unique 14-digit code you can easily track the progress of your delivery.
The recipient can use the myDPD web app to not only track the movement of their shipment, but also have it sent to a Pickup points, add a backup address or postpone delivery for 10 days.
We will represent you professionally with every delivery.
We guarantee next day delivery by 18:00. The service is based on DPD Classic, delivery is announced both by email and SMS.
Guaranteed delivery by 18:00 the next working day throughout the country.
Delivery notification is sent to the recipient by email 1 day in advance.
Insurance up to 50 000 CZK included in the price.
Up to 3 delivery attempts.
Thanks to a unique 14-digit code you can easily track the progress of your delivery.
The recipient can use the myDPD web app to not only track the movement of their shipment, but also have it sent to a Pickup points, add a backup address or postpone delivery for 10 days.
We will represent you professionally with every delivery.
Do you need to have the shipment delivered today? With our DPD Dnes service, we will arrange express delivery of the shipment on the same day as collection.
The service is valid only for the territory of the capital city of Prague.
Collection of the shipment is possible up to 12:00. The delivery takes place subsequently between 15:00 - 21:00 on the same day.
Express parcel delivery on the day of its collection.
Delivery notification both by SMS and e-mail.
Consignees are provided with the myDPD App for tracking the movement of their parcel.
We will deliver the shipment within an exact 1 hour window.
By sending the contact form, you give your consent to the Direct Parcel Distribution CZ s.r.o. company, ID: 613 29 266, based in 135, 25101 Říčany u Prahy, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Prague Municipal Court under section C, file 52346 (further on referred to as “Administrator“), to process your personal data in the scope of the contact form in order to handle your request. In case your request might create, change or revoke the legal relation, the Administrator is allowed to process the personal data thus provided even in order to protect its legitimate interests, or fulfil its legal obligations. The Administrator shall delete such personal data thus provided without further delay after they become useless and the aim of their processing is fulfilled. You will find more detailed information regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator and information about rights application of data Subjects' rights on the Administrator website in section Privacy Policy.
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