Portal solutions

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Portal solutions

DPD Web Parcel - Prepare your parcel for shipping online.

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DPD Web Parcel - Prepare your parcel for shipping online.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week: The DPD Web Parcel service fits in with every way of working to make shipping even easier. Convenient and secure payment by credit card (MasterCard / Visa) on the portal. Sending parcel has never been easier!

Central Shipper - First-class service for small-scale shippers!

DPD Shipper DPD Shipper

Central Shipper - First-class service for small-scale shippers!

Simple, efficient, flexible: Central Shipper is DPD’s powerful online platform that makes handling deliveries over the Internet much easier for small-scale and frequent senders.

This cutting-edge online platform offers tailor-made services and useful tools to help customers send their parcels online with DPD. It also has a host of extra features such as a central address book, an overview of orders, daily closing lists, shipping lists and much more.

System requirements

  • Internet connection
  • Supported browser versions:
    • Internet Explorer 9.x or newer
    • Firefox version 30.x or newer
    • Google Chrome version 49.x or newer
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

Return my parcel - Send back your purchases quickly and easily

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Return my parcel - Send back your purchases quickly and easily

Returns cannot always be avoided, but their processing can be greatly simplified. We have extended our service to meet your needs - for more flexibility, more control and more customer satisfaction.