We ship your parcels at favourable prices which contain no hidden extra costs.
Parcel category | Dimension | Prices in CHF |
S | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | 9.50 |
S | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | 9.50 |
M | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 70 cm | 12.00 |
L | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 90 cm | 15.00 |
Parcel category
Parcel category
Parcel category
Dimension | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 70 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 90 cm |
Prices in CHF | 9.50 | 9.50 | 12.00 | 15.00 |
All prices in CHF and incl. 8,1% tax.
Weight: up to 20 kg
*Belt dimension calculation: (2x width + 2x height) + longest side
Parcel category | Dimension | Prices in CHF |
S | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | 53.15 |
S | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | 53.15 |
M | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 70 cm | 56.40 |
L | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 90 cm | 60.60 |
Parcel category
Parcel category
Parcel category
Dimension | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 50 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 70 cm | Sum of the longest + shortest side up to 90 cm |
Prices in CHF | 53.15 | 53.15 | 56.40 | 60.60 |
Maximum value of goods: CHF 150.-
Maximum value of goods for C2C shipments: € 45.-
Destination countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy
All prices in CHF and tax liberated
Weight: up to 20 kg
* Belt dimension calculation: (2x width + 2x height) + longest side
Please note: International shipments cannot be sent via our DPD Pickup parcelshops.
For these shipments, please use our WebParcel tool via the following link.
Measure the longest and the shortest side of the parcel. Add these together and you will come up with the parcel category.