Our certifications - Quality and responsibility at a glance

ISO 9001:2015

As the most important global quality standard, ISO 9001 provides a comprehensive management standard from a quality perspective. It forms the framework for the strategic and operational management of our business. The standard helps DPD Switzerland in systematically assessing customer enquiries, in providing services accordingly and in setting the direction of its organisation. The high requirements that we place upon ourselves are documented in the Quality Policy.

ISO 14001:2015

DPD Switzerland continuously and systematically identifies, assesses and reduces existing and emerging environmental impacts and actively seeks to widen and continuously improve its positive environmental activities. As visible evidence of these wide-ranging efforts, DPD has introduced an environmental management system based on the standard ISO 14001. Our Environmental Handbook provides an insight into our environmental policy and strategic environmental goals.


Authorised Economic Operator status, or AEO for short, is a quality mark which is conferred upon businesses which meet reliability criteria in the security of their international supply chain. More straightforward security checks are facilitated for authorised economic operators; in the case of DPD, this particularly means simplified customs clearance procedures for imports and exports. AEO status is recognised by states with which Switzerland has concluded a corresponding treaty.

Generally speaking, AEO certification confirms an internationally recognised, high standard of security which benefits all our customers, consignees, employees and residents.

