Welcome to another edition of Beri & Jasmine on tour! In this edition, we would like to explore in more detail what our CIT team does and learn how they helped Mara Muster set up her DPD Shipper account.
The CIT team is an important part of our company, as it is responsible for looking after all the technical aspects involved in customer satisfaction. Achim, head of the CIT team, walked us through how the team collected the customer data of Mara Muster and created a customer profile.
The CIT team is not just responsible for setting up accounts, but also for solving technical problems, providing support with the integration of applications, and responding to questions about data transfer and interfaces. Each of the four guys on the team specialises in a different area, so they are well placed to deal with a wide range of technical problems.
Beni, for example, specialises in programming and is responsible for handling larger integration projects. Sany is the Central-Shipper, offline Shipper, Labelprint support expert, while Victor looks after notifications, support and reporting. Alessandro mainly works in the back office and is responsible for data flow and integration projects.
Partner solutions via plug-ins: Wide range of web shop and ERP connections; see our website.
For an example of how the CIT team helps its customers, let’s look at Mara Muster, who wants to build a small online business. Mara looks into shipping partners and chooses DPD, as its sustainable parcel shipping is a perfect match for her products. The CIT team helps Mara get everything set up and makes sure that the data is being transferred properly and that the labels can be created correctly. With the plug-in solutions from DPD Switzerland and the Shopify interface, Mara can process everything directly and conveniently with DPD Shipper Webservice.
But what steps need to be taken to make sure that Mara’s DPD Shipper account works as it should? Our Sales team sends the customer information to the CIT team via an internal ticket system. The first step for the CIT team is to set up a customer profile for Mara. They compile all the key information about Mara, such as her pick-up address, delimited number series and other important details. Once the CIT team has set everything up, they create a password and send the login details to Mara, who can then get started. The CIT team remains available to assist Mara after the account has been set up and is on hand to answer any questions she might have about label printing or data transfer/interfaces.
In summary, the CIT team plays a vital role in ensuring high customer satisfaction. They are experts in their field and help customers like Mara to achieve their goals. It’s impressive to witness how Achim and his team can solve technical problems and provide an excellent customer experience.
We hope that you enjoyed this edition of Beri & Jasmine on tour and now have more of an insight into the work of the CIT team.
Best regards,
Beri & Jasmine