We all know how it feels to order something and then wait patiently on the parcel. The parcel arrives, yet its contents are damaged or completely broken. It is very annoying. This article explains what to do if you receive a parcel with damaged or broken contents.
File a claim immediately
Consignees should waste no time in reporting the damage to the parcel’s contents. If you are the consignee, it is best to file the claim on the same day. It is important that you contact the seller, i.e. the shipper of the parcel.
Are you the shipper? In this case, please contact our Claims department within seven calendar days of the delivery date. This makes it all the more important that the consignee contacts the shipper as quickly as possible if something is damaged or broken.
My parcel was delivered by DPD – why do I have to contact the shipper/seller if I am the consignee?
Consignees are often under the misconception that the supplier (DPD, in this case, as the parcel service provider) has to replace or cover the damage. This is not entirely accurate, because the consignees have no order or contract with DPD. The contractual relationship with the liability rules exists between DPD and the shipper/seller.
That is why all claims are filed with DPD through the shipper/seller.
- Make sure your safe place is secure. This is particularly important for parcels with signature release authorisation, i.e. the delivery driver is not allowed to leave the parcel without obtaining a signature if you are out.
- Make sure that your parcel box is emptied daily and there is enough space for your parcel. Depending on the service, consignees are notified by email or SMS prior to the delivery.
- Take photos of the damage and keep all packaging and contents for up to three months after delivery.
- If you notice that your parcel is damaged when it is handed over to you, please always tell our driver. You can refuse to accept the delivery. The driver will then scan the parcel and take it back. In this case, please contact the shipper to arrange a replacement delivery or discuss the best possible alternative.
- Even if the parcel has been damaged by a DPD employee and DPD is responsible – perhaps for leaving it somewhere without a roof, causing the parcel to get wet in the rain – the claim must be filed through your shipper/seller.
Are you the shipper and do you want to file a claim?
Our damage report form is the easiest way. Click here and select the ‘Shipper’ tab. This will take you to our damage report form, which you can fill in and submit to us directly. Thank you.
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