Your advantages at a glance:
With our tracking function you can follow the way of your parcel.
We will notify you with a time window of one hour about the exact delivery.
You are not at home?
With our redirection options you can easily change the day and / or place of delivery.
You decide for each parcel when and where we may deliver your parcel. Even if you are not at home, you will never miss a parcel again with myDPD and our redirection options.
Give us a signature release authorisation so that we can deposit your parcels in a place determined by you.
If the proposed delivery day is inconvenient, you can simply change it.
The delivery address can be changed in just a few steps, for example for delivery to your workplace or to a neighbour.
Enjoy even greater flexibility with redirection to one of the approximately 350 DPD Pickup parcelshops, where you can conveniently collect your parcels in the evening or on Saturdays.
Register now with myDPD and benefit from this service:
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