A lot happens in 30 years. And that’s how it is at DPD, too. The most important thing is the people behind the scenes, the ones working hard every day to keep things moving. We decided to get to know some of these people a little better, and you can read about it here:
1. How long have you been working at DPD?
Since 1 June, it’s been 23 years. Because of my many years of experience and my grey hair, I am often called the grey eminence.
2. Tell us in a few sentences what your job involves?
I am the PUD Manager (PUD for pickup and delivery) and therefore responsible for all processes relating to deliveries and collections carried out by our drivers. In other words, I am responsible for the first and last mile. This includes activities such as route planning and the support of our system partners, for example. I’ve been doing this job for five years now, but I always say with a smile that there’s basically no activity in the operational area that I haven’t done during my time at DPD. 😄
3. What do you particularly like about your job?
The diversity, the people, the different types of people and their different cultures. I can adapt my management style. And that is precisely what has always been my strength.
I am appreciated and respected in the company and that makes me very happy. What’s more, it’s a real pleasure to work with everyone at DPD, no matter who.
4. What three characteristics describe you best?
1. I’m very level-headed. And always remain objective, respectful and never get personal.
2. I have a good knowledge of people and am very good at reading and judging people.
3. I have a great deal of expertise and experience in what I do.
Another characteristic and, to me, one of the most important ones: I am a family person and always put my family first.
5. What do you like most about DPD and your colleagues?
What I really appreciate about DPD is how much each and every employee is valued. You are not just a number, but are respected and treated as a human being. Potential is seen and nurtured without any prejudice, for example due to your cultural background. DPD is actually like a place of integration for me.
What I really appreciate about my colleagues is their loyalty, respect and deferential interaction with one another. Everyone pulls together. It’s almost like a big family.
6. What do you spend most of your time doing outside of work?
Getting involved with football. I have a young son who plays with our village club. I love spending a lot of time with him on the football pitch, supporting him and just enjoying the time together.
7. What has been the happiest moment in your life so far?
The birth of my daughter (first child). I cried for joy. Simply an unforgettable and extraordinary moment.
8. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
Actually, I don’t really know if that was the best decision, but right now I would say the moment when I decided to drop out of my medical studies and leave my home country of Kosova and come to Switzerland. That was just before the war and a very difficult decision. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see a future for myself there and really wanted to try and build my future in Switzerland. The beginning was very difficult as I had to manage on my own, learn a completely new language and also think about how I was going to manage financially. And I succeeded, which makes me very proud of myself and also happy.