A lot happens in 30 years - at DPD, too, of course. The most important thing is the people behind the scenes, who work energetically every day to make a difference. We took this as an opportunity to get to know these people better, read now:
1. If you were in a boxing match, what would your ring walk song be?
Like a lot of guys, I think I would choose the song from Rocky – Eye of the Tiger.
Even now, thinking about the song and the movie brings back cool childhood memories.
2. Do you have any hobbies? If yes, what are they and why?
DPD is my hobby! 😊
Although, if I really think about it, there is something a little different: in my free time, I like to go running in the woods, spend time in the fresh air and travel in Switzerland and abroad.
3. When did your journey with DPD Switzerland begin?
It all started in July 2007. At the time, I started out as a member of the warehouse staff at our depot in Schlieren. Three years later, when DPD moved to its new site in Buchs, I became a dispatcher. In 2017, I became the leader of the dispatcher team and was then promoted to depot manager in Rothenburg in December of last year. As you can see, I’m DPD through and through and I genuinely enjoy my work.
4. What about before? By which I mean before you joined DPD?
I grew up in Kosovo, where I went to school and university. I wanted to be a primary school teacher, and did end up becoming one. We moved to Switzerland where my degree was not recognised, unfortunately, so I worked up the courage to make a fresh start and joined DPD.
5. What is the first hour of your day like?
I always start a normal working day with coffee – everything is easier with a little caffeine. I check my emails, then do a round of the warehouse to see whether everything is running smoothly or anyone needs my help.
Ultimately, it really depends on the day and what is lying in store for me. Every day is different, which is something I love about my job.
6. Reflecting on your journey so far, what has been your absolute highlight?
The absolute highlight has been the many great people I have met over my 15 years at DPD. Some of them have become really great friends. From a purely professional standpoint, the highlight has been my promotion to depot manager.
7. What words do you live by?
‘Never give up and always keep going, because some day your courage will pay off!’ That has been my personal motto for a long time. Life is not always simple and those words have always reminded me to fight and keep at it.
8. What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for a lot of things, most of all my family and the fact that we are all healthy.
9. What activities really put you in the zone?
When I work in my garden and cook on the barbecue – I’m really good at barbecues. 😉