You were already aware from our social media channels and from our behind-the-scenes look at the making of the video that our employees embarked on a second career as actors. We can now show you ‘the faces behind the masks’ in interviews with our actors: Almir, Manuela and Patricia tell us how they felt and offer a few behind-the-scenes insights.
DPD: ‘What was your first thought when you were asked whether you would like to join our annual campaign “Simply deliver”?’
Manuela: ‘I wondered “Why me?” because I had never done that kind of thing before, but I was happy to be asked.’
Patricia: ‘Cool, I’m in! I am always on board with that sort of thing.’
Almir: ‘I thought it was cool and said yes immediately!’
DPD: ‘Why did you say yes?’
Manuela: ‘I was happy to do it for DPD Switzerland and I also wanted to try out the new experience.’
Patricia: ‘Because I thought the idea and stories were great and the experience of being in front of the camera is a chance that does not come around every day.’
Almir: ‘It was interesting to see what the days of filming were like. Make-up, preparations, the director and everything else – I simply could not refuse.’
DPD: ‘What was the best part of your day of filming?’
Manuela: ‘Definitely seeing my hair flying. The atmosphere with the entire film crew was also brilliant.’
Patricia: ‘Kicking the litter bin and giving my emotions free rein.’
Almir: ‘The acting itself and the outtakes, absolutely.’
DPD: ‘Were you able to identify with your role?’
Manuela: ‘Yes, because I got on so well with Emma the hairdresser, and I get on very well with my hairdresser in real life too.’
Patricia: ‘I don’t drink coffee so I did not understand why you would complain about there not being any coffee, but I am very temperamental, which was also part of my role and enabled me to identify with it.’
Almir: ‘No, not really. In my role I had to play an impatient, angry person, but I am very patient in real life.’
DPD: ‘Of all six videos, which is your favourite and why?’
Manuela: ‘I like them all! My favourite has to be the birthday video, though. The child made it feel very authentic.’
Patricia: ‘I liked the video with the raclette evening most, because I can identify with it very well – I love raclette! I would have loved to be part of the video.’
Almir: ‘The video with the raclette is my favourite too. I think it’s because I got to be there.’
DPD: ‘If we asked you to act for us again right now, would you (be honest 😜)?’
Manuela: ‘It depends on what role I would have, but if it is along the same lines, then absolutely! If you need my hair, I’m happy to provide it again – but no cutting it (laughs).’
Patricia: ‘Yes, absolutely! But no high heels next time please; I had sore feet for two weeks afterwards.’
Almir: ‘Definitely! I’m already looking forward to my next Oscar.’
Have you not seen the videos yet? 😮