The voice behind DPD: Our Stefan
DPD: How long have you been part of the DPD family?
Stefan: "I have been with DPD for 4 months. I started at the beginning of March 2021."
DPD: Why did you decide to work for DPD?
Stefan: "On the recommendation of friends and acquaintances. I received a lot of positive feedback about DPD being a good employer. Especially when it comes to employee management. This is very important to me personally, because every employee's voice counts."
DPD: How was the start for you?
Stefan: "My start was great. I got a good start right from the beginning and was supported from A to Z, so it was easy for me to get started in my new job. I quickly felt comfortable doing what I had to do. My induction took about a week. I first got an insight into the front office topics and then learned about my tasks in the back office. The fact that the induction took place in the office meant that I was already able to get to know some colleagues better and also could ask directly."

DPD: What do you do in your job and what do you particularly like about it?
Stefan: "I am jointly responsible for processing mails, the sender and the consignees. What I particularly like about it is that the work is very varied and I have daily contact and exchange with customers and people."
DPD: What do you spend the most time doing outside of work?
Stefan: "Definitely with football. I played football myself for 13 years below competitive level and have now been a coach at Benglen FC for 6 years. This is a self-founded club of friends that we are building from scratch. I'm also playing some football again myself, which unfortunately I haven't been able to do for a while due to a serious knee injury."
DPD: What is your favourite food and why?
Stefan: "My absolute favourite food is kebab. I'm a passionate meat eater in general and as a kid I often went to the kebab shop to buy a kebab. It's so ingrained in my mind."
DPD: Would you like to learn something again?
Stefan: "Yes, I would like to learn French again. I like the French language very much and useful, especially in Switzerland."
DPD: On a scale of 1 to 10, how disciplined are you and why do you rate yourself that way?
Stefan: "Sport-wise, I am completely disciplined. When I do sport, I have full focus on my goal, which I also pursue consistently. There are no excuses. I think this discipline comes from the fact that I played football as a top sport until I was 18 years old, which had a great impact on me.
In my private life, I'm more the relaxed and flexible type. I like to meet friends, am often available for spontaneous actions and also like to do something with my family."
DPD: If you could fulfil one wish right now, what would it be?
Stefan: "That everyone stays healthy and that all diseases in the world disappear 😊."