An interview with Dominic Blaesi
DPD: ‘Can you give us a brief insight into your company, what are your unique selling points?’
Dominic Blaesi: ‘Flaschenpost is Switzerland’s leading online wine shop. Launched in 2006, this Internet pioneer hoped to become the “Amazon of Wine” and make wine shopping as easy, convenient and affordable as possible. Our customers enjoy the largest wine selection in Switzerland (probably even the world) with more than 30,000 wines, and only ever receive one delivery at a time, even if the wines come from several wine merchants. Another thing that sets us apart is that almost half of all orders are delivered the next day.’
DPD: ‘How did you find out about DPD as a delivery partner?’
Dominic Blaesi: ‘In the beginning, we did not have our own logistics (except for collecting the wines from our partners, which we always did ourselves). Over time, we became aware of DPD through our logistics partner at the time.’
DPD: ‘Define what collaboration means to you and explain what is very important to you when working together.’
Dominic Blaesi: ‘Good collaboration brings together companies that accomplish something together that they could not do on their own. Both bring together their potential, combine their opportunities and go through good and difficult times together. You never leave one another out in the cold or lose sight of the long-term perspective. Last but not least, good collaboration is also characterised by respectful relationships between the people behind the companies. It is also very important to remember to have fun!’
DPD: ‘How long have you been working with DPD?’
Dominic Blaesi: ‘We have been working with DPD for 13 years.’
DPD: ‘What was the decisive factor for you, as a company, to start working with DPD Switzerland? Please give us three reasons.’
Dominic Blaesi: ‘Firstly, the unique service-to-price ratio. Secondly, the people and thirdly, the entrepreneurial spirit and long-term focus.’
We would like to thank Mr Blaesi for his insights.