28 October 2021 | Personal

A look behind the scenes with Backstage@DPD

At DPD, it’s the people behind the jobs that count

We all share the same planet with one another and breathe the same air. For more than a decade, we have always attached great importance to sustainability and environmental protection. Since this year, we have also been using an electric truck and we continue to expand our fleet of electric vans.

When we say ‘with one another’, we mean this personally too – we want to use Backstage@DPD to show you who our employees are, the daily responsibilities they have in their jobs and what interesting parallels can sometimes be drawn with their hobbies.

Five individuals – five positions – five hobbies.

Iginio – our archer

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Iginio – our archer

Precision, composure and accuracy are important attributes not only of an archer, but also of a central depot manager.


Ana – our dancer

Combining rhythm and dance to create the perfect choreography – Ana pursues a perfectionist approach in her work too.


Ana – our dancer

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Combining rhythm and dance to create the perfect choreography – Ana pursues a perfectionist approach in her work too.


Remo – our DIY man

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Remo – our DIY man

A combination of wood, creativity and technology. At work, it’s more a question of optimising systems so that our drivers have major added value when delivering parcels.


Jasmine – our skier

No two days are the same – as a skier, you have to adapt to new conditions every day. A job in digital marketing is varied too.


Jasmine – our skier

Jasmine_Blogfoto Jasmine_Blogfoto

No two days are the same – as a skier, you have to adapt to new conditions every day. A job in digital marketing is varied too.


Benjamin – our artist

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Benjamin – our artist

Spray cans, a flash of inspiration and a canvas are what Benjamin needs to create a work of art. Starting in December, you can find out about which ideas he comes up with in which situations!


All five videos will be published one after the other and will then all be available on our campaign website by the end of December. In addition, a GoPro HERO9 is being raffled off as part of our Backstage@DPD campaign.



Two examples of feedback from the front line:

What Jasmine Zurbuchen, project manager and campaign figure, has to say:
‘The central message of the Backstage@DPD campaign is “We take a personal approach”. With this campaign, we are seeking to get closer to the customers and offer them a peek behind the scenes at DPD. A special measure in this respect is a mailing physically sent to more than 3,000 DPD customers with a view to finding out their date of birth. Because what’s more personal than a birthday?!’

What Linus Spitz, content creator at bildmitschuss.ch, has to say:
‘For me, it was fundamental that we offer DPD’s stakeholder groups an insight into the goings-on at the company. I came across some surprising personalities and talented individuals while filming behind the scenes.’


The videos of Ana, Iginio and Remo can be found under the following link:


Written by:

Hannes Domröse

Hannes Domröse

Digital Marketing
