E-Shopper Barometer 2023

The largest study in Europe

For the study on behalf of Geopost, a total of 24'233 interviews were carried out in 22 European countries between 31 May and 19 July 2023. In Switzerland, a total of 1'009 people aged 18 years or older took part in the survey. Thanks to the study, we have well-founded knowledge of purchasing behaviour and shopping experience on the internet.

The following results relate to people who regularly shop online in Switzerland. Regular e-shoppers are between 18 and 70 years of age and purchase at least one item per month online. More than nine out of ten online purchases in Switzerland are made by regular e-shoppers. Although the e-commerce market is shrinking in Europe, it remains stable in Switzerland. This means that at 78 %, the proportion of e-shoppers in Switzerland remains the same as in the previous year.

The top three product categories in online shopping in Switzerland


Fashion 52 %


Shoes 50 %


Beauty 43 %

Drivers of online shopping

E-Shoper-Home delivery E-Shoper-Home delivery

Drivers of online shopping

In Switzerland, free returns and free delivery are amongst the most important factors when it comes to online shopping. This is closely followed by a detailed product description.

Home delivery is still the most popular delivery location for Swiss e-shoppers. The preferred delivery locations are:


Home delivery 58 %


Parcel shop 16 %


Post office 16 %


Retailer’s store 16 %


At work 15 %

Green delivery options are very important

E-Shopper-Green delivery E-Shopper-Green delivery

Green delivery options are very important

  • Most e-shoppers want environmentally friendly delivery and prefer providers that offer this service.
  • 71 % of regular e-shoppers would be more likely to choose a website/retailer/app that offers green delivery options.

Different interests regarding delivery preference

According to the importance index (average index: 100)


Real time information (139)


Selecting day of and one-hour window for delivery (133)

Lieferung umleiten

Multiple delivery options (132)

Lieferung am Folgetag

Delivery on the following day (125)

Möglichkeit, die Zustellung zu verschieben

Multiple delivery options (118)

Online shopping on foreign websites is very popular

website_illu website_illu

Online shopping on foreign websites is very popular

  • 82 % of regular e-shoppers have already made purchases online from foreign websites. 
  • Reasons for this included product availability in their own country, better offers or the language barrier.