21 February 2023 | Personal

30 years of DPD Switzerland: interview with Ilka

A lot happens in 30 years. And that’s how it is at DPD, too. The most important thing is the people behind the scenes, the ones working hard every day to keep things moving. We decided to get to know some of these people a little better, and you can read about it here:

1. Do you have a morning or evening routine, and if so, what is it?

I get up in the morning and have a cup of coffee on my balcony. While enjoying my coffee, I look out over Lake Lucerne. That’s my idea of pure bliss in the morning.


2. What did you dream of one day being when you were a child?

When I was a child, I always wanted to be a lawyer – to study Law and deal with all the different aspects of law. It might sound strange, but I used to find this very interesting and exciting.


3. How long have you been working at DPD Switzerland?

I’ve been working at DPD since December 2010.


4. Can you describe your career at DPD for us in a few words?

I started out in Customer Service. I was responsible for handling all customer enquiries, both by phone and in writing. After doing that for two and a half years, I moved to Sales. I was initially working in after-sales, before I then took over the role of Assistant to Area Sales Manager. I spent three and a half years doing that. At that point, I had actually decided to leave DPD, but then, due to unforeseen circumstances, I moved to the Operations (OPS) department, where I now work as Quality Supervisor OPS Excellence. And what exactly do we do there? In short, we check quality at our depots and with customers and ensure that processes are followed. If a process is not being followed correctly, we step in. We strive to do everything we can in advance in order to avoid complaints.


5. Which DPD company event did you enjoy the most in the time you’ve been here, and why?

Definitely our first warm-up party, when our CEO Tilmann Schultze had just taken charge of DPD Switzerland. Everyone just suddenly came out of themselves and we had so much fun together.


6. Is there any situation that has particular significance to you?

Yes. For me, it was moving to the OPS Excellence team. Why? It was a very special time for me, because I had actually decided to leave DPD around then. But, thanks to a very happy coincidence, things turned around and I’m very grateful to the colleagues I worked with at that time.


7. What are your personal milestones?

I can’t really say right now.


8. What makes you most happy?

When it’s warm and the sun is shining. I always really love that. 😊


9. How do you spend your time outside of work?

Besides my work, I love going hiking in the mountains and going on walks with my dog Angel. Angel is a very active Pomeranian. We both love being out in the great outdoors and simply enjoying the surroundings. I think the views from the Wissifluh mountain are some of the most beautiful in all of Switzerland. It’s pure bliss!


10. What are you grateful for?

I’m endlessly grateful for my two children and that I’m healthy. To be able to get up in the morning and go walking wherever I want is simply priceless.

Written by:

Hannes Domröse

Hannes Domröse

Digital Marketing
