With DPD you can send parcels with a maximum weight of 31.5 kg and a maximum length of 1.75 m to home addresses or business addresses. Parcels to collection points are limited to 20 kg and a length of 1 m.
Parcels to home or business adresses | Parcel for pickup points | |
Weight | 31.5 kg | 20 kg |
Length | 175 cm | 100 cm |
Girth (use the girth calculator if needed) | 300 cm | 200 cm |
Parcels to home or business adresses |
Weight | 31.5 kg |
Length | 175 cm |
Girth (use the girth calculator if needed) | 300 cm |
Parcel for pickup points |
Weight | 20 kg |
Length | 100 cm |
Girth (use the girth calculator if needed) | 200 cm |
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