E-Shopper Barometer 2022

Online shopping in Austria

E-Shopper Grafiken

E-Shopper Barometer 2022

Online shopping in Austria

Even in 2022 a trend in e-commerce can be clearly identified: Times of crisis have changed the shopping behavior of consumers significantly. 77% of Europeans shopped online at least once in 2022. A big trend is C2C platforms that make cheap online shopping possible and help buyers to save money. 

52% of all Austrians regularly shop online, which is above the European average of 48%.

Important facts and figures

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Online shopping remains important

E-shopping is no longer just a channel, but has become part of everyday life.
78 % of Austrian e-shoppers shop online every month. 75 % shop on german online-platforms.


New types of shoppers are emerging

The new e-shopper profile of the "C2C shopper" buys from second-hand platforms.


Delivery preferences

Home delivery is preferred in Austria.


Popular online shopping categories

Austrians are still enthusiastic shoppers, because 78% of all Austrians shopped online at least once in 2022.

Fashion, shoes and books are the top 3 on the shopping list.

The preferred product categories of Austrian online shoppers are fashion (60%), shoes (54%) and books (46%).

52% of Austrians regularly shop online. They are thus well above the European average of 48%. The group of regular shoppers receive 5.9 packages per month, which is above the European average of 5.36 packages.

Main reasons for online shopping: time and money

For 74% of Austrian shoppers, saving time is an important argument for online shopping. Second place goes to hassle-free shopping with 65%, while third place goes to inexpensive shopping and the possibility of returns with 58%.


The Austrian e-shopper

The strongest buyer group and the foundation of e-commerce is the enthusiastic, regular online shopper. These are shoppers aged 18 to 70 who buy at least one category of products online per month. This shopper is digitally savvy, an expert in cross-border shopping and looking for tailored delivery options.

C2C shoppers on the rise

The idea of ​​saving is also the reason for the increase in online flea market platforms. Here products are sold and bought by private sellers. 52% of online shoppers buy and 53% sell on these platforms. 69% of them are convinced that the products on the second-hand platforms are cheaper than buying new.

In addition, this behavior underscores the need for sustainability: 33% of e-shoppers state that they are willing to pay higher prices for products if they can be proven to have been produced in a sustainable manner.


Facts and figures 2022


The facts at a glance

Austria's e-shopper in 2022 (German).

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