Become a Pickup parcel shop partner.

Increase your footfall and attract online shoppers as customers.

DPD Fahrer übergibt Pakete an Paketshop Mitarbeiterin DPD Fahrer übergibt Pakete an Paketshop Mitarbeiterin

Become a Pickup parcel shop partner.

Increase your footfall and attract online shoppers as customers.

The online business is booming and ensuring strong growth in parcel volumes. Today about 250 million parcels are already delivered throughout Austria every year, and the trend is rising. You too can benefit from this change and become a Pickup parcel shop partner. Combine your bricks-and-mortar and online business and increase your customer footfall and sales.

Your benefits as a Pickup parcelshop partner:

Acquire new customers.

Many customers have their parcels delivered to one of our parcel shops or return unsuitable goods via our shops. Become part of the network, increase your footfall and attract online shoppers as customers.

Seizing opportunities - combining bricks-and-mortar and online retailing.

Our Pickup parcel shop solution is ideal for omni-channel concepts: as a new business model, it ensures that all online and offline channels are connected with each other and effectively increases retail sales. Customers can have their goods delivered directly to you and browse in your shop for other goods. Many partners also use shipping from a central warehouse to their branches, or send back returned goods.

Quick and easy integration of the DPD systems.

Thanks to our organisation and experience, setting up a parcel shop in your store is quick and easy. Our modern training concepts enable your entire store to be trained within a short time. And, of course, we will continue to provide you with individual support after the initial setup.

You will receive the equipment and the advertising material from us.

You will of course receive all the necessary equipment, a wide range of advertising material and individual training so that you are well prepared for your partnership.

You can also ship your own parcels with DPD.

Practical: you can also use your shop for your own parcel shipments.

An additional service for your customers.

On the one hand, by expanding your range of services you increase your footfall and thus open up new customer groups, and on the other hand you can strengthen your ties to existing customers with an additional service.

Achieve more sales with more customers.


Become part of our success story!


As a Pickup parcel shop in our strong network you will benefit from many advantages with our expertise:

  • you set yourself apart from your competitors
  • increase your footfall
  • enhance your service offering
  • boost your sales.

Achieve more sales with more customers.

10 - 15 % conversion rate: pacelshop customers become new customers in your shop! 10 - 15 % conversion rate: pacelshop customers become new customers in your shop!


Become part of our success story!


As a Pickup parcel shop in our strong network you will benefit from many advantages with our expertise:

  • you set yourself apart from your competitors
  • increase your footfall
  • enhance your service offering
  • boost your sales.

All the relevant information at a glance.

Ein Netzwerk


Our Pickup parcel shop network is uniformly organised throughout Europe.

35 Länder


You will find our Pickup parcel shop partners in almost every country in Europe.

3.000 Pickup Standorte

Parcel shops in Austria

You’ll always find one of our Pickup parcel shops in the neighbourhood.

100,000 Pickup locations (dpd group)

Parcel shops in Europe

With our parcel shops we offer you a Europe-wide parcel shop network.

Simple systems and individual support.

Modern training concepts and individual advice enable you to familiarise your staff with the DPD systems without much effort. Very little time is usually needed per store. The integration of the equipment is actively supported by us. Thanks to our experience and organisation, you are always in excellent hands with us.

Simple systems and individual support.

Paketschein wird auf Paket geklebt Paketschein wird auf Paket geklebt

Modern training concepts and individual advice enable you to familiarise your staff with the DPD systems without much effort. Very little time is usually needed per store. The integration of the equipment is actively supported by us. Thanks to our experience and organisation, you are always in excellent hands with us.

DPD fahrer Betritt Pickup Paketshop mit Paketen

Your cooperation with DPD.

In order for you to become a Pickup parcel shop partner, your shop must meet a few basic requirements.

What you need to provide:

  1. Focus on quality and service.
  2. Sufficient storage space for parcels.
  3. A good location.
  4. Suitable opening hours.
  5. Your main business should support you financially.
DPD fahrer Betritt Pickup Paketshop mit Paketen

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