No matter whether you are a shipper or a consignee, on myDPD you will find everything you need to know about parcels in one place. This means the greatest possible flexibility in shipping and delivery.

Parcel shop finder

Find your nearest DPD Pickup parcelshop.

Parcel shop finder

Find your nearest DPD Pickup parcelshop.

Download the App now and:

Paket versenden

Sending a parcel

Create a mobile parcel label and pay for the parcel shipment online.

Paket verfolgen

Tracking the parcel

With DPD Live-Tracking on myDPD you always know where your parcel is.

Paket umleiten

Redirecting the parcel

Conveniently redirect your parcel if you aren’t able to take delivery at the notified time.

Pickup Paketshop finden

Finding a Pickup parcelshop

On myDPD you will find one of our 3.000 parcel shops throughout Austria.

Wunschshop festlegen

Specifying your favourite parcel shop

Your parcels will always be delivered to your personal favourite shop.

Permanente Abstellgenehmigung

General deposit okay

With your deposit okay we will always deliver your parcels to a safe place at your address.

Specify your favourite parcel shop and permanent online deposit okay on   myDPD   
myDPD Privatkunden

All the information about your parcel in one place.

With myDPD you decide when or where we should deliver your shipments if you won’t be at home. And of course on myDPD you can also check in your parcels for shipping easily and conveniently online.

The benefits to you

  1. Live-Tracking: Our Live-Tracking function enables you to track parcel deliveries in real time. The delivery time window is constantly updated and displayed with an accuracy of up to 30 minutes.
  2. Redirection options: Not at home? With our redirection options you can easily change the day or place of delivery.
  3. Delivery preferences: Register and specify your preferred form of delivery in the settings, for example a general deposit okay or a favourite parcel shop.
  4. Notification settings: after registering, you decide how you want us to notify you about the delivery of your parcels.
  5. The mobile parcel label: no printer, no paper. With us you save yourself the trouble of filling out and attaching parcel labels. And of course you can also pay for your parcel shipment online.
myDPD Privatkunden