From payment to delivery to returns - with our innovative solutions we offer our shippers and consignees an
all-round digitalised premium service that makes online shopping an enjoyable experience.

myDPD - flexible parcel management on your desktop or smartphone.

Your platform for flexible parcel management.

Laptop Screen - myDPD Umverfügungsoptionen Laptop Screen - myDPD Umverfügungsoptionen

Your platform for flexible parcel management.

On myDPD you can find everything concerning your parcels in one place. For you this means the greatest possible flexibility in the shipping and delivery of your parcels. With the clearly arranged parcel history and the Newsroom, you can keep an eye on everything at all times and manage your deliveries flexibly.

Your parcel management conveniently on your smartphone.

Vater und Sohn checken myDPD App auf dem Handy Vater und Sohn checken myDPD App auf dem Handy

Your parcel management conveniently on your smartphone.

The myDPD app is now available for free download in your App Store or Google Play. This means the most flexibility on your smartphone at any time and any place when receiving and shipping your parcels.

Award-winning parcel shipping

Shuttle Box und Hermes Logistik Preis 2015

The SHUTTLE-BOX® is an environmentally friendly and reliable returnable transport system offered by DPD. With the help of the SHUTTLE-BOX® you save yourself the disposal of packaging waste. Above all, it helps to avoid expensive packaging and filling material and waste disposal charges. In 2015 the SHUTTLE-BOX® was awarded the HERMES.Transport.Logistics.Prize.

Innovation along the last mile.

As Austria’s leading private parcel service provider, we set a strong example for innovative logistics in urban areas with our City HUBs in Vienna, Linz and Salzburg. In addition to its function as a Pickup parcelshop, the City HUB also serves as a local transshipment point and warehouse location.

Its aim is to temporarily store the parcels in urban areas on site so that they can then be delivered in an environmentally friendly, low-noise and low-CO2 manner using an electric cargo bike and an electric vehicle.

DPD City HUB Vienna

The EMILIA (Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria) project aims to develop and test concepts for efficient and clean urban delivery logistics.

The Climate and Energy Fund is intended to provide impetus and innovation for climate-relevant and sustainable energy and mobility technologies.

The HERMES.Transport.Logistics.Prize is a highly coveted seal of quality in the Austrian transport and logistics industry.

Smart logistic solutions.

Smart logistic solutions.


The electric cargo bike
In Vienna and Salzburg we transport parcels in the city centre free with low emissions via electric cargo bike.


Electric and natural gas vehicles
The first electric and natural gas vehicles are in operation on behalf of DPD in Vienna, Salzburg and other regions.

Urban delivery

City HUBs
The City HUBs offer the possibilities of interim storage of parcels in urbans areas for sustainable last-mile delivery by electric cargo bike and e-vehicle. At the same time it offers all the services of a DPD Pickup parcelshop.